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Harper always missed the parade, since she stayed back to help Milo set up the party, but luckily someone managed to catch the events and posted them online. If something were to happen again this year, she knew she’d be able to see what the town was talking about. She didn’t mind missing out on the parade for Milo, especially since his party had always meant so much to him. It was a small sacrifice compared to all the favors he’d done for her over the years.

“Have fun,” she said.

She looked at the bottle and sighed. She just railed Mom for drinking and felt guilty to start so early. But she knew how to have a few drinks and not get out of hand. Still, the conversation from earlier left a bitter taste in her mouth. She put the beer aside for later and headed into the house.

She found Milo in the kitchen, his back to her, hands working the top of a water balloon to tie it into a knot.

“Hey,” she said, and his fingers slipped, the water balloon fell from his hand and splattered on the floor. Water covered his legs and shorts. She lifted a hand to her face, attempting to cover the smile, but it didn’t hide the laughter. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s all right.” Milo reached for a towel, and Harper bent to help.

Water exploded on her head, streaming down her face and neck. She gasped, staring up at Milo with disbelief. “You didn’t.”

“I did.” He smirked, and she jumped to her feet, grabbing a water balloon and tossing it at his chest. She got a direct hit, and he ran for the overfilled basket, grabbing for more. She dove behind the island to hide and double backed to grab ammunition, but Milo was fast. He switched directions just as quickly and nailed her again, this time in her chest.

“You’re so going to get it,” she said.

His gaze met hers over the island, his eyes insinuating a dare for her to try her hardest. She never could step down from a dare. She ran, skidding across the wet tile, and grabbed a balloon. She spun and Milo was practically on top of her. She lifted her arm and brought the balloon down on his head. The balloon exploded in a curtain of water, drenching his head and dripping down his face.

He grabbed her by the waist and spun her back to him as she tried to run. Her arms flailed as she attempted to reach for another balloon, but his hands wrapped around her wrists and held her in place. Their eyes met in a clash of heat and longing.

There was no thinking or talking. Their lips crashed together, clumsily at first, then falling into perfect sync. Desperate to taste him, she thrust her tongue into his mouth and pulled herself closer to him, pressing her body into his.

Milo pulled away, regret evident in the depths of his brown eyes. “Damn it. I’m sorry.” He shook his head, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. “I shouldn’t have—”

Harper cupped his face and cut his words off with her mouth. His body froze, then he pinned her against the fridge.

After her stressful week, this was exactly what she needed. Milo’s hands on her body, lips on hers, helping her forget about her shitty mother and that lady at the diner. Her fingers fumbled with the ties of her bikini, and Milo’s fingers slid over hers, helping her with the knot. The strings came apart, and she ripped the material over her head. She tossed the top to the floor, and Milo’s head dipped, his tongue trailing along the sensitive skin.

Desire slammed into her, spreading out in tendrils through her entire body. She didn’t just want him; sheneededhim. She fumbled with his shorts and shoved them to the floor. Her hand wrapped around his hardened length and stroked.

His lips froze on her lips, and a moan muffled between them. Her touch must’ve ignited a fire inside him; he yanked her zipper and pushed her shorts down. Strong, determined hands grabbed her ass and lifted her against him, her back pressing against the cool stainless steel of the fridge.

A trail of goosebumps erupted across her body as he kissed down her neck and back to her lips.

“Condoms?” he said.

She pointed to her bag on the counter beside them. “Front zipper.”

He pressed her against the fridge, and his free hand clumsily searched for the bag. With a laugh, she brought her lips to his neck and sucked on the place between neck and shoulder. He groaned, and she could feel him getting even harder.

“Got it,” he declared, and his lips slammed back into hers. She heard the rip of foil, but she was too focused on Milo’s mouth and all the sensations it created. She had no idea how good of a kisser he was; if she had, she might have kissed him sooner.

He nipped her lip and adjusted her legs. Her body arched against the fridge as he pushed into her slick heat. A cry tore from her throat, but Milo devoured it with a kiss.

The tension from the day eased with each pump of his hips, and she closed her eyes, absorbing every delicious stroke. Milo’s forehead rested against hers, his breath coming in short ragged gasps. She felt his finger on her chin, and she opened her eyes.

Two dark brown globes filled with heat and desire bore into her. She was a prisoner to his gaze, lost in the passion and intensity. She didn’t dare blink, holding onto his eyes like two buoys in the dark sea. He slowed his pace, rocking into her with long deliberate strokes.

Her hold on his neck tightened, and his fingers dug into her hips, angling her to take his powerful thrusts. Pleasure swirled inside her like Van Gogh’s Starry Night—a mixture of colors, cumulating into something so breathtakingly beautiful, and invoking too many emotions for her to process.

She ignored the emotions and focused on the swirls of pleasure, the intense heat, lapping and growing, building toward a release.

She ground against him, and the sweet friction was her undoing. White lights flashed behind her eyes, and her body convulsed at the overpowering sensations tearing through her. Her nails dug into Milo’s shoulder, and his grip strengthened as he drove into her with relentless strokes.

Her cries mingled with his harsh breaths as he took her away from the cold feel of the fridge and held her completely in his arms. He pumped up, her body sliding against his, and with one final thrust, he let out a carnal groan.

Her head fell into the crook of his neck, and she held onto him, taking in his scent of sea and man. Her breathing evened out, and he lifted her off him and placed her on the counter.

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