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She threw the trash bag on the floor. “Go to sleep and sober up.”

Harper stormed out of the house, got in her car, and headed home to Milo.

Chapter 9

Milo dropped off a customer and made his way home. He hadn’t had any new calls come in, and the summer craze hadn’t hit yet. Tonight and tomorrow would be a never-ending stream of people, and Hal would be debuting the party van, while Milo prepared for his annual kickoff to summer party. He hoped by next year he’d have a few more cars on his payroll, and he’d be able to expand to neighboring towns.

He didn’t care about the money, but if he could keep one person from drinking and driving, it would all be worth it. Any way he could keep what happened to him from happening to anyone else, he would do it. No one deserved that kind of pain and misery.

He made an unnecessary loop around the neighborhood and along the water. It was a beautiful late afternoon, warm with a cool breeze off the bay. It would be a perfect night to have the windows open and fall asleep to the lapping of the waves. So why was he stalling to go home?

He didn’t need to answer the question; he knew exactly what he was doing. He was avoiding Harper. He was scared to see her, afraid the minute his eyes landed on hers, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. He’d throw all inhibitions out the window and take her to bed again. He couldn’t do that. Not when she wanted forever, and he was only a temporary relief while she waited for her future husband to show up.

There was no way he could compete with her visions of a perfect life. Harper wanted a forever boyfriend, and that’s not what he was or what the agreement was… if what they had was even considered an agreement, especially since it all started with a basic misunderstanding.

He thrust a hand through his hair, frustration tightening the skin around his jaw and eyes. She didn’t want him, never had, and if he kept letting her in his bed, then he’d be opening his heart to a beating.

He didn’t do no-strings-attached relationships and this was exactly why. His brain wasn’t programmed that way. He couldn’t sleep with a girl, share with her the most intimate of acts, and not allow emotions to get involved. The minute they stripped bare in front of each other, all bets were off.

Sex with Harper was amazing, and Milo should’ve been feeling lighter, happier even, but all he was feeling was hot thick regret. It ate at his insides and twisted them in knots. How could he let it happen? It was supposed to be a one-night thing, but now he couldn’t get her out of his mind.

All he could see was the curve of her ass, the dark rose-colored nipples that beaded at his touch, and her long bare legs wrapped around him. Being with her was like his own personal utopia, and he wanted to revisit that place over and over again.

He never believed perfection existed, but Harper was damn close. She’d been right there in front of him all this time, and while it’s not like he never noticed her before, he’d been able to keep those feelings shoved so far in the back of his mind that the thoughts never made an appearance. But he tapped into those thoughts by letting her into his bed, by tasting her sweetness and feeling her moist heat. How the hell was he supposed to go back to being friends when every time he looked at her he wanted to kiss her?

It took him everything he had this morning to sneak out of his bedroom and head out before she woke up. Coward move, maybe? But he couldn’t let their night turn into a morning, too.

Someone had to be reasonable and put an end to it before one—or both— of themgot hurt.

The problem was, he couldn’t avoid her forever. They were roommates, best friends, so much a part of each other’s lives. He had no choice but to go home and face this head on or risk losing his favorite person. Not to mention his party was tomorrow, and he needed to get everything ready.

He cut a three-point turn and headed home.

Harper wasn’t home yet, but Jasper was. He was in the driveway, duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He must’ve just gotten home. His trip was a short one, one night only, and Milo was glad he’d be around for the party. It wouldn’t be the same without him.

“Hey,” Milo said as he got out of the car. “Did you hit the jackpot?”

Jasper laughed. “I wish. Down three hundred, but it could be worse. Still have the car.” He patted the black hood.

“Harper kissed me.” It came out in a rush, and Milo felt better getting it out there. He’d been bottling it up all day with so many thoughts and no one to talk to. Normally he’d talk to Harper, but this time he couldn’t. Jasper was his other best friend, and he needed him right now.

“Oh come on!” Jasper exclaimed.

“I was expecting a reaction, but not that.”

“We have a good thing going here. A kiss can be brushed aside. As long as you two don’t have sex, nothing should change.”

Milo’s lips twisted, and he shifted from one foot to the other.

“You didn’t?”

Milo glanced out to the bay and let his silence speak for him.

“I go away for one night. One! How did this even happen? You two have been friends forever.”

“My fault. I made a joke about being friends with benefits, and she didn’t realize I was joking.”

“Then why didn’t you tell her it was a joke?”

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