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“He didn’t leave you in the hallway after, did he? Because I will kick his ass.”

Heat exploded in her cheeks as she remembered the vivid details of what happened after the initial kiss.

Olivia turned her finger to Harper. “Oh, he definitely didn’t leave you high and dry or you wouldn’t be blushing right now. So, you actually did it. How was it?” She rested her chin on her palm, brown eyes intent.

Harper didn’t want to share the intimate details. What she shared with Milo, even though it was just a friend helping out a friend, was…special. It wasn’t just sex; it was a sexual experience she would never forget.

“Oh, it was good?” Isla said. “This is bad.”

“How is that bad?” Olivia tapped the screen on her phone. “If it was anything like this.” She fanned her face with her napkin.

“Do you want to do it again?” Isla asked.

Harper bit her lip as she thought about a round two with Milo—the two of them taking their time, exploring even more, learning what made each other tick.

“See!” Isla said. “She totally wants to do it again.”

“I don’t see the big deal,” Olivia said.

“They’re going to want to do it again.”


“I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer.”

“Why stop now?” Olivia said.

“I just don’t see this ending well.”

“Let Harper worry about her own vagina, and you worry about yours.”

Harper’s phone buzzed, and she looked at the screen. Tom’s name flashed, and she immediately answered.

“Hi Tom. What’s going on?”

“Can you pick me up? Mom’s not here, and she’s not answering her phone.”

“Shit,” she said under her breath. “I’ll be right there.”

She hung up, grabbed her purse, and threw some cash on the table. “Guess who never showed up to pick up Tom? I’m sorry I have to cut this short. I know how much fun you two were having talking about my vagina.”

Olivia choked on her lemon water, and Harper waved as she hightailed it to the door. Poor Tom had no way home, and it killed her to think he waited for a ride that never came. He deserved better.

Harper got in her car and headed straight to McConnell’s Market. She pulled in the parking lot, and Tom was sitting on the curb, playing his electronic gaming device. She got out of the car and hurried over to him. “Hey, Bud,” she said. “You ready?”

He looked up from his game and smiled big before pushing off the ground. His Wrestlemania shirt poked out from beneath his button-down and his shoelace was untied. She pointed to the undone lace, and he bent to fix it.

He straightened, and she gave him a hug. “You ready?”


They got in the car and she waited for him to buckle in before putting the car in drive. “How was your day?”

“It was great! Mrs. Green gave me a five-dollar tip!”

“Five dollars!” Harper made a mental note to thank Olivia’s mom next time she saw her. “You going to put that in your piggy bank? Or spend it?”

“Piggy bank. I’m saving for the new Assassin’s Creed.”

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