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His finger traced the curve of her face. “You okay?”

Lost in the beauty of the moment, unable to look away from the intensity of his eyes, she nodded. He bent, lowering his lips to hers, sweetly at first then with increased pressure. His thrusts matched the movements of his lips, and the intensity from his gaze radiated through the rest of him, from the tight hold of his hand on her waist, the strong set of his jaw and the precise ministrations of his hips.

He slowed his pace, almost coming to a stop, and she whimpered.

His head dropped to her shoulder, kissing the bare skin. “You feel too damn good.”

A smile curved her lips, and she wiggled against him.

“Keep doing that, and this will end before the purpose is served.”

She giggled at the strain in his voice. She framed his face with her fingers, and he closed his eyes at her touch. “You already delivered. This is just an added bonus.” She tilted her head and captured his lips, loving how their mouths instantly synced.

He began to move in long drawn out strokes that stoked the fire inside her. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she absorbed the moment, savoring the pleasure wracking her body.

His hand tightened on her hip, lifting her. He pulled back and surged forward, sending a rippling wave of sensations flooding her body. She cried out at as he filled her to the hilt. His thumb landed on her swollen bundle of nerves and rubbed circles, pushing her toward the edge.

Her long legs wrapped around him, urging him closer and deeper with each thrust. Heat exploded inside her, the world dimmed, the room spun, and her body shuddered into ecstasy.

Milo groaned and thrust one final time, sparking a wave of aftershocks crashing through her. His body convulsed, his arms shook, and his weight collapsed onto her. He rolled off, pulling out and making her feel immediately incomplete.

Silence filled the room other than their breaths coming in short gasps. She had thought sex would be awkward, but it wasn’t. It was the farthest thing from awkward, but she didn’t stop to think of the after.

Her best friend just rocked her entire world, and she had no idea what she was supposed to do now. Any other guy, depending on the mood of the date, she’d either cuddle for a bit or just get dressed and leave. She didn’t want to leave Milo after that. She wanted to do it again.

He disposed of the condom in the wastebasket and collapsed on the bed. “Your thinking is so loud it’s giving me a headache.”

She rolled on her side and sighed. “I don’t know if I should stay or go. This is weird.”

He lifted on his elbow and angled toward her. A very Milo smile bloomed on his lips, and it swatted the awkwardness away. “Do whatever you want, but you sucked the life out of me, vampire. I’m incapable of moving for the next ten to twelve hours.”

She shoved at his shoulder, and he smirked. His bare chest looked inviting, so she curled into his side and rested her head against his chest.

“Good choice,” he said.

“I thought so. Night, Mi.”

He kissed her forehead. “Night, Harp.”

His heartbeat soothed her mind, and she fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter 8

Harper met the girls at Aunt Greta’s for brunch before she had to head home and try to knock out a few extra glasses. She forgot to consider she’d be losing Memorial Day. There was no way she’d be able to paint between the parade and Milo’s party. She needed to knock another two out today at least, or she’d never get the glasses done in time.

Times like this made her wonder if she was even capable of running a business. Normally her body would be weighed down and overwhelmed, but she was still flying high from last night.

“So what happened with Milo?” Olivia took a bite of her fruit salad. She was currently on a diet after eating one too many burgers from McConnell’s Pub.

Harper took a sip of her tea—turmeric and passionfruit—and placed it on the table. “He Nick Miller-ed me.”

“What’s a Nick Miller?” Olivia asked.

Isla looked at her like she was from another planet, and Harper was starting to think maybe she was. “New Girl. Nick and Jess? It’s only the best kiss to ever grace a television set.” Isla picked up Olivia’s phone and handed it to her. “Seriously, Google it right now. You can thank me later.”

Olivia typed on her phone and tapped the screen to play the video. She watched the scene unfold, and when Nick grabbed Jess for the infamous kiss, Olivia’s eyes widened in approval and her lips parted. “Wow. That was hot.” She pointed a red painted nail to the screen. “Milo did that?”

Harper nodded. “Yup.”

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