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“Can you just start the damn movie already?”

He scrolled through the screen and hit play. Harper settled into the couch, and she focused on the opening credits. Milo lounged back on the couch, and she glanced over at him. Her conversation with the girls floated into her head.

If any time was perfect to take him up on his offer, it would be tonight. Jasper was out of town, and they had the entire house to themselves. They wouldn’t have to worry about being quiet… Would Milo be loud? Wouldshebe loud?

No. She couldn’t have sex with Milo. It went against everything their friendship stood for. He was too important to her. She brought her gaze back to the movie. Not even a minute later, her eyes betrayed her and drifted to Milo.

She looked at him,reallylooked at him. His hair was sticking up from running his hands through it. He did that when he was restless, which was quite often. His features were strong, jaw chiseled to perfection, and the dimple at the edge of his mouth was pretty damn adorable. How did she never notice it before?

He wasn’t just cute. No. Milo was smoking hot. The realization slammed into her, making heat crawl up her neck and into her cheeks. Her eyes lingered on his lips, wondering what they were capable of. Moisture pooled between her legs at the thought.

She shifted, trying to act cool and not make this any more awkward than it had to be.

Milo’s eyebrow lifted, and he shot her a look out of the corner of his eye. She was failing at being smooth. She hoped he would take the lead and put his suggestion into motion, but it seemed he was leaving the ball in her court. She shifted closer to him.

“You have to pee, don’t you?”

“No.” The word came out as a squeak.

“Then why are you acting weird?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not.”

He made a face. “If you say so.”

She tried to relax, but for the first time since she’d known Milo, she was uncomfortable and didn’t know how to act around him.

She shifted from one cheek to the other. He’d offered to help her take the edge off. If he didn’t want to, he never would have said anything. All she had to do was kiss him and get things started. A kiss. That wasn’t hard. She’d kissed plenty of guys before… Unfortunately, none of them turned out to be her prince. Not that she expected Milo to be her prince either, but his lips were nice, and she wouldn’t be surprised if he knew how to use them.

God, was she really thinking about doing this? This was Milo, her best friend. Could she go through with it and kiss him? Then go a step farther and go to bed with him?

She needed to stop thinking and just do it. They were two grown adults, and if they didn’t want it to be weird between them, then it wouldn’t be.

He shot her a sideways glance, and she went for it, taking his cheeks in her hands and planting her lips on his. Like a statue, he didn’t move, so she took control, parting her lips and swiping her tongue across the edge of his mouth. When he didn’t meet her eagerly—or at all—disappointment and embarrassment flared inside her.

She eased back, and Milo’s eyes widened. “What the hell was that?” he asked, shock splattering across his face like a Jackson Pollock painting.

“Uh.” She cleared her throat, searching for her words. “I’m taking you up on your offer.”

His eyebrows knitted together, and his head tilted to the left. “What offer?”

She rolled her eyes and slumped back on the couch. “You know what offer.” He was being difficult, and right now was not the time. She just threw herself at him.

He looked at her like she’d lost her damn mind, and she was starting to think she had. Did she dream this conversation? Surely, he remembered offering to help her out. It was only the other night. “The offer to help me out. You know. Sexually.”

As if a rocket was under his ass, Milo jumped up from the couch, arms out like he was warding off evil spirits. His mouth opened and closed at least half a dozen times. By the seventh time, he managed a noise.

“If I’d have known you’d act like this...” God, she never would have even thought about it for a single second. It would have been completely out of her mind, never to be thought about again.

“I was kidding,” he blurted.

She stood and moved toward him. His hands shot up and held her at bay. “I mean the offer. I was joking. I wasn’t. I mean. I wouldn’t. I…”

“You looked me in the eyes though.”

His nose crinkled and confusion skittered across his face. “I can’t look you in the eyes when I’m lying, not when I’m joking.”

Her heart deflated, and prickly heat crept up her spine, spreading into her neck and cheeks. “Oh.” How could she have misread him so badly? Nothing Milo said was serious. Nothing. Why would she think this time it was? Why would she think Milo, her best friend since grade school, would want to get in her pants?

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