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“I didn’t think he had it in him,” Olivia said.

Harper tilted her head in confusion. “Have what in him?”

“Milo runs the minute anybody shows any sort of emotion. The fact that he volunteered?” She shrugged. “I’m impressed.”

“That’s just it. It’ll be sex, no emotions, no strings attached.”

Isla shook her head. “Are you sure he wasn’t kidding?”

“He looked me right in the eye when he offered. Didn’t dart his eyes away or even flinch. He was serious.”

“Milo’s never been able to do the benefits only thing,” Isla said. “He always gets attached.”

“This is different. We’ve been best friends for twenty years. If there were any romantic feelings, they would’ve come out by now.”

“Sex changes things,” Isla said.

Olivia tossed chestnut strands over her shoulder and angled her head toward the sun. “You’re thinking about it then?”

Was she? Was she really thinking about stripping naked in front of Milo and letting him touch her? “I don’t know. Maybe?”

“Don’t do it,” Isla interjected. “You’ll ruin your friendship.”

“Would it, though? Would one night of sex really ruin twenty years of friendship?”


“No,” Olivia said.

“It’s a recipe for disaster.” Isla held her finger up at Olivia. “Don’t even try to argue. Think about it. They go through with this, the sex is bad, or it’s good, and they start some no strings attached relationship, and Milo falls in love with her or vice versa and the other person doesn’t feel the same way. It ends, leaving one person pining for the other, and then it’s weird. And not just between you two but betweenallof us. Trust me on this one. I kind of have firsthand experience.”

“Lucky for you, Nolan moved to Seattle,” Olivia said.

“Yes, but imagine if he didn’t. He’s still friends with Milo, and if he were here, we’d wind up at the same get-togethers, and it would be awkward for everyone involved.”

Olivia pushed her sunglasses up and squinted in Harper’s direction. “She has a good point. It could get weird, especially now that Shane and Milo are friends. I don’t want to get pulled between the two of you.”

Harper shot Olivia a look.

“Of course, I’d always choose you, sisters before misters and all that, but it would still be complicated. Then again, aren’t you curious?”

“That’s the thing,” Harper said. “I never thought I was, but now that the possibility is there, it’s all I can think about.”

“He broke down the barrier, and there’s no going back. You might as well go for it.”

“What about what you just said?” Isla asked. “About it making things complicated.”

“My life has been one big ball of complicated. If it means Harper can get some, then I’m willing to take one for the team.”

Isla sighed. “I’m all about being a team player, but this is an entirely different game that we don’t fully understand.”

“It’s not for us to understand,” Olivia said. “It’s between Harper and Milo, and if you want my blessing…” Olivia turned to Harper. “Then consider this it. You’ll always wonder if you don’t go for it.”

“Why do I bother?” Isla asked.

Harper laughed. “I appreciate your insight, and it’s given me a lot to think about.”

“That’s all I’m asking,” Isla said. “Think about it. Weigh your options. And not for nothing, you two would totally make a cute couple; I’ve been saying it for years.”

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