Page 60 of All Because of You

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Olivia was confident Shane wasn’t abducted by aliens or a serial killer. “Shane is not hiding either of those things from me.”

Isla took a sip of her tea, eyebrows lifting above the mug. “Or is he?”

Harper shook her head. “Whatever he tells you can’t be much worse than what she’s thinking, so just ask him.”

Olivia still wasn’t sure. “I don’t want to push.”

“Then don’t,” Harper said. “If he’s keeping something from you, he’ll tell you when he’s ready.” Harper glanced at her phone. “Crap, I got to go. Milo and I told Tom we’d bring him to McConnell’s Market to fill out an application.”

Tom, Harper’s younger brother, loved to tell people God loved him more so he gave him an extra chromosome. Harper was his biggest advocate and had taken care of him most of his life while her mom spent her nights and weekends partying. Ever since he turned nineteen, he’d been begging Harper to help him get a job.

“Wish him luck for me,” Isla said.

Olivia had no doubt, he’d get hired. The entire town loved his infectious smile, quick wit, and caring nature. “Tell him I said to turn on his charm.” Tom was a flirt who loved to make women laugh.

Harper snickered. “We’re trying to get him a job, not a date.” Harper tossed down some cash on the table. “That should cover it. Let me know if I’m short.”

Olivia picked up the bills and didn’t even need to count. “You’re more likely over.”

Harper waved her hand. “Put it toward the tip then.” Harper never liked to shortchange anyone and was always generous with tipping. Olivia suspected it had to do with her mom. Most things that Harper did was to make sure she was nothing like the woman who birthed her.

Harper left, and Olivia placed the money aside. Isla sipped her tea, and Olivia motioned toward her. “How’s your grandma been?”

“I saw her yesterday and her spirit’s a little down, but other than that, she seems good. I’m going to stop back there a little later today.”

“We have to plan that beach day.”

“I’ll check her doctor appointments and let you know what days are good.”

The waitress dropped off the bill. “Whenever you girls are ready. No rush.”

Olivia picked up the check. “Thanks, Annabelle.”

Annabelle had been a staple at Aunt Greta’s, working there morning and afternoon for as long as Olivia could remember. Sitting in Aunt Greta’s with Annabelle as her waitress was another blast of the familiar that made Olivia feel right at home.

She and Isla paid the bill and said their goodbyes. Olivia started walking away when she called out to Isla. Isla spun back around, blonde hair whipping around her like a cape.

“I forgot. Hal’s playing tonight at McConnell’s. You and Harper should come. We can have a couple drinks when I get off my shift.”

Isla gave a thumbs up. “Count us in. I’ll text Harp.”

Olivia waved goodbye and headed to the pub. Her shift didn’t start for another hour, but Shane would be there, and after last night, she couldn’t wait to see him again. And who knew, if it was a slow day, maybe they could sneak off to the back, and she could show him just how much she missed him.

Chapter 18

Hal jumped up and down, sweat dripping down his face, black eye makeup smudged across his cheeks. He was more than halfway through Alice Cooper’s entire catalog and didn’t seem to be losing any of his energy. The crowd of twenty roared, cheering for an encore.

Shane wrapped his arm around Olivia’s waist, and she leaned her head against his chest. Harper, Isla, and Milo threw their arms up on either side of them, screaming their song requests. Shane laughed when Hal pointed at Milo and delved right intoSchool’s Out. Milo pumped his fists in the air and pretended to air guitar, jumping up and landing in a half split before getting back to his feet. He had been drinking water all night yet had less inhibitions than people who’d downed nothing but beer.

The chorus came, and the entire pub sang along, some hitting God awful notes, but not letting that hold them back.

Connor manned the bar, giving Shane a fifteen-minute break before he had to return to duty. The kitchen was closed, and Olivia was done for the night. Up until a few minutes ago, he’d been watching her dance with her friends, laugh, and sing.

The desire to join them had been stronger than anything he’d ever known. For so long, he’d kept his distance, refusing to let people in, but these people, this town, were wearing him down. He knew he had to be strong, but for one more night, he was letting himself experience life as if he didn’t have a care in the world. As if he never had cancer, and he grew up normal, having fun with friends.

He didn’t realize the deep-seated ache he had in his heart that was desperate for a connection. It been so long since he had a friend, but looking around now at Connor, Olivia, Milo, Harper, and Isla, he was happy for this time they had together.

Olivia glanced up and kissed his chin. He smiled down at her, holding her tighter. They rocked in sync with the music, and he closed his eyes, absorbing the moment and locking it to memory. If he ever faced death in the face again, he would remember tonight and the sense of normalcy and happiness that filled him with such overwhelming strength.

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