Page 51 of All Because of You

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“Then I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not going to go to dinner with that nice man and pretend that you didn’t cheat on me.”

“Can you please, for two seconds, think like a reasonable adult and not a—”

“I swear to God if you say child, I’m going to knock your teeth out.”

Daniel tugged at the cuff of his shirt sleeve. “That’s nice, Olivia.”

“I’m done being nice to you. Now if you’re not going to order anything, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

He picked up a menu.

“What are you doing?” Olivia demanded.

“I did not drive all the way out to the east end for you to dismiss me. We have things to discuss, and I’m not leaving until we do.”

“You are impossible, you know that?”

“What’s good here?” he asked, opening the menu. He pulled his hand away and made a face as he rubbed his fingers together, lip curled in disgust. “Do you pay extra for the grease or is that just an added bonus?”

“It’s extra. I’m sure you can afford it.”

“Cute.” He looked at the menu, taking his damn time.

“The burgers are good,” she said. The faster he ordered, the faster she could get rid of him.

“You know I don’t eat that shit. It’s poison to your heart.”

“Funny, I thought your heart was already poisoned.”

Daniel put the menu down and turned to her. He reached for her hand, and she jolted back. With a sigh he let his arm drop onto the table. “Look, I know you’re upset.”

A laugh erupted out of her. “Upset? You’re damn right I’m upset! You cheated on me. You lied to me. You strung me along for three freaking years.”

“For three years you got to live in a penthouse over the city, work at one of the fastest growing companies in the country, rub noses with some of the most elite people in the world, and I didn’t hear you bitch once the entire time.”

She didn’t. Now looking back, she let countless things go, reminding herself how good she had it, and Daniel’s missteps were due to the fact that he was under a lot of pressure. It was nothing more than excuses, so she didn’t have to leave her lifestyle behind. He was right. She didn’t bitch because she was convinced having money meant she wouldn’t have to worry about anything else. Money fixed everything. Except when it didn’t.

“I was blinded by the opulence of your life, but the fog has lifted.” She swiped the menu out of his hand. “You’re getting a burger. If you don’t want it, you can leave.”


Shane couldn’t take his eyes away from Olivia and the guy in the suit. He didn’t have to ask; he knew in his gut it was her ex. The guy looked like a total jackass. From his slicked back blond hair to his oversized Rolex encrusted in diamonds and down to the cufflinks at his wrists, he was the epitome of flaunting wealth.

Connor was loaded, yet he still got his hands dirty in the kitchen. Shane would bet every cent in his savings account that Daniel never got his hands dirty. He probably hired people to do things like that for him.

A hand clamped his shoulder, and Connor came around. “How’s it going, cuz?”

“Everything’s good.” Shane poured a glass of wine for Jean and pushed it across to her spot at the bar.

“Then why are you staring daggers over at that table?”

Shane swore he saw Jean turn her ear to their conversation, so he moved farther down the bar, his attention still locked on Olivia. “I’m pretty sure that’s her asshole ex, and from what she’s told me, I don’t trust the guy.”

‘That explains why you look like you’re ready to jump over the bar and gut someone.”

“I’m not an animal.” Shane laughed. “I would like to smack that smug look off his face, though.”

“I know his type,” Connor said. “Unfortunately, they’re in our family.”

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