Page 10 of All Because of You

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“You know me,” Milo said. “I have nothing to prove to you.”

“Tell Harper I’ll call her in the morning.”

“When she gets home from her date.”

“Another date? Who now?”

“Another online guy. This one says he’s an entrepreneur. She got mad at me when I told her it was a fancy way of saying unemployed.”

“I don’t know why she’s so determined to meet someone,” Olivia said.

“She doesn’t want to wind up like her mom.”

Olivia never thought about it, but Milo was probably right. Harper’s mom was a bit of a mess, jumping from one guy to the next, never happy, always wanting more, and drinking herself to sleep when she couldn’t find it… which was often. “That’ll never happen.”

“You know that, and I know that.” Milo waved a finger between them. “But you know her.”

“There’s no talking to her.”

“Exactly why I’m staying out of it.”

Milo might not have questioned Harper’s quest for love, but he definitely wasn’t out of it. He was there for her after every date gone wrong to lift her spirits.

“I can bring it up to the door for you if you’d like,” Shane said, and Olivia spun toward him.

“I can manage.”

“You sure?” He glanced down at her shoes.

She kicked up her foot, examining the stiletto before placing it back on the ground. “I walked through Penn Station in heels. I’ve got this.”

“Well, it was nice meeting you.”

Olivia’s cheeks warmed. If someone would have told her a couple hours ago that there’d be a bright spot in her night, she wouldn’t have believed them. But here he was, standing right in front of her, being polite even after their horrible initial interaction. “Sorry I was such a hot mess.”

“Put it this way, I’ve already seen you at your worst. It can only go up from there.”

“Does that mean you plan on seeing me again?” she asked, surprised at the flirtatious tone in her voice.

He smiled, his gaze bashfully dropping to the ground before meeting hers straight on. “From what you said, it’s a small town. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” He winked at her, and her heart sputtered in place.

Shane got back in the car, and she leaned down to the window. “Be nice, Milo.”

“Always am.” He turned to Shane. “So where are we off to?”

“Bayview Estate, my grandparent’s house.” Shane said, and Olivia lost her balance. Her eyes locked on his, and confusion swirled into annoyance. She’d gone on and on about the McConnell’s, and he didn’t think to chime in once to say he himself was one.

Shane shrugged, and before she could gather her thoughts, Milo pulled away, his laughter floating out the window in his wake.

Chapter 3

Earlier Olivia had moved quickly for someone in heels as if the added height was a part of her, but now Shane watched her as Milo pulled away. The cupid bow-shape of her mouth hung open like she was halted in thought. Maybe he should have told her who he was, but he enjoyed listening to her and was intrigued by her take on the family he would be meeting for the first time.

The interior of the car still held her scent—acombination that was both fruity and floral that had him inhaling to savor the aroma a little longer. It was almost calming, just as she’d been. He’d been a bucket of nerves all day, hiding behind the story in his ears, until he sat next to Olivia on the train.

As standoffish as she was in the beginning, it was almost a breath of fresh air to see someone wear their emotions so openly. It’s not something he did. He learned at a very young age to keep his emotions to himself; he didn’t want Mom to worry any more than she had to.

Being diagnosed with leukemia at ten was terrifying, but he’d always been the man of the house, and he didn’t let the fear of the disease change that. Not even when he heard Mom crying late at night when she had thought he was asleep.

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