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“I now pronounce you man and wife,” the priest said. “You may kiss your bride.”

Marco took Aubrey in his arms and dipped her, before kissing her in front of family and friends, sealing his happily ever after.

Enzo turned to Tony who finally left his studio for the wedding and caught Tony staring into the pews at Krissy whose attention was on the bride and groom.

As a kid, Tony had been in love with her, but Enzo thought he’d finally gotten over his childhood crush. Tony tore his gaze away and spotted Enzo staring at him. “What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Enzo said, but he couldn’t keep the amused smile off his face. “You should ask her to dance,” he said.

“She would never dance with me,” Tony said in his self-deprecating way.

“Maybe so, but how will you know if you don’t at least ask.”

If Enzo never let his walls come down, he never would have allowed himself to see his true feelings for Cami. And the love that grew inside him more and more every day, never would have had a chance to blossom.

“Take the risk,” he said. If Krissy turned him down, Enzo would be there to help him back up.

Marco and Aubrey led the way down the aisle and the rest of the wedding party followed. After it was a frenzy of congratulations and photos.

By the time they got to the reception, Enzo couldn’t wait to get Cami in his arms. He was introduced with the bridesmaid he had walked with, an old friend of Aubrey’s, and he made his way to the dance floor, cheering along with everyone else as the bride and groom finally made their appearance.

Once the introductions were over, Enzo found Cami at a table with Krissy, Ella, and Lucas who just got back a week ago from another extended stay in California.

Enzo sat beside her and took her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles. “Miss me?” he asked.

She scrunched her nose and shrugged. He let out a laugh and draped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. She rested her head on his chest and he kissed her forehead.

Tony walked over to the table and found his nametag next to Krissy. He grabbed the tag and held it up. “Guess I’m here,” he said awkwardly and Enzo tried not to laugh as Tony sat down and nearly took the entire tablecloth with him.

A slow song came on and Ella jumped up, taking Lucas’ hand. “Come on, you owe me a dance.”

“Duty calls.” Lucas placed the glass he was holding on the table and let Ella pull him out to the dance floor.

“What do you say?” Enzo whispered in Cami’s ear. “Want to dance?”

Her eyes widened and her head tilted. “You don’t dance.”

“Any excuse to hold you in my arms, I’m taking it.”

Cami jumped up, probably afraid he’d change his mind. Krissy shifted in her seat now that she and Tony were the only ones left at the table. Enzo nodded to Tony before Cami led him away.

On the dance floor, Enzo snaked his arm around Cami’s waist and yanked her close to him. She smelled like vanilla and coffee—a scent that he could never tire of.

Her fingers laced through his and they swayed together in perfect sync. Beside them, Tony and Krissy came to a stop and Tony took the lead. A sense of pride filled Enzo. No matter how old Tony got, and how hard he tried to shut people out of his life, he would still take Enzo’s advice.

“Krissy hates to dance,” Cami said.

“Maybe she just didn’t have the right partner.” Cami eyed him curiously, but he didn’t want to talk about his brother or Krissy.

He rested his forehead on hers, cupping her cheek, and running a finger along her jaw. “Is it still too soon to ask you to move in with me?” he asked.

Her beautiful brown eyes met his, sparkling and bright and knocking the wind right the hell out of him. “Only if I can bring my white fur blanket.”

He would let her paint the walls purple, if that’s what she wanted. “You can bring whatever you want.”

Her fingers curled around his neck and she kissed him long and hard before pulling away.

“Is that a yes?” he asked.

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