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“I know.”

“I have spent my entire life taking care of myself, priding myself on not needing a man to support me. Then you pick me up on the side of the road one day and change my tire, and everything changed. I can’t stop crying, which is pissing me off, and my heart feels like it was ripped out of my chest. I never understood why women would get so upset over a guy, but now I know. It’s love, and it’s complicated and messy and when it’s right it is completely unavoidable. I love you, Enzo. I have no idea when this happened, but it did, and it terrifies me.”

He cupped her cheeks, and she nuzzled into the familiar touch of his hands. “It doesn’t have to be. It can be fun and exciting. And I’m not going to say that we aren’t going to fight because we will.” He laughed and so did she. Fear lifted from her soul. “But we will also laugh, and I promise I will love you more and more every day. It’s a promise I can keep because I know I will never tire of you.”

“Nice word choice.” She choked on a laugh.

“Wish I could say I was that witty, but it was unintentional.” He stroked her cheek, and she closed her eyes, absorbing the soft caress. “I missed you last night, and this morning was awful without you.”

She nodded her agreement. “I missed you, too.”

He leaned in to kiss her and she pressed a hand to his chest stopping him and instantly regretting it. But their problems went farther than he even realized. “You want children,” she said. “And I don’t, or at least I don’t think I do, and I can’t take that away from you.”

Enzo stepped back as he held her gaze. “That’s what this is about?”

She nodded not able to trust a cry wouldn’t slip if she opened her mouth.

“I did always want children, but I can’t imagine you not in my life and if you don’t want kids, then I’m okay with that.”

“But it’s who you are, Enzo. Why do you think you jumped on taking care of me? Ella and Marco have started new lives and Tony has forced you out of his. Taking care of people gives you purpose and children would fill that need.”

He shook his head. “I can find purpose in other things.” He cupped her cheek and stared into her eyes. “As long as you’re with me, that’s all I care about.”

Cami never imagined having children of her own, but looking into Enzo’s eyes… Maybe Krissy was right. Maybe it was because she hadn’t met the right person yet. Now with Enzo, the idea of a family pushed out the fear that lingered and replaced it with an indescribable yearning.

“Maybe one day,” she said and a smile formed on his handsome face.

“Did we just flip flop?”

“I think so.” She laughed. “We may never be on the same page.”

“I’m okay with that if you are.”

“I think I am.” He crashed his lips to hers, and she melted into the loving embrace of his arms, relishing in the overload of sensations that only Enzo could stir inside her. He drew away from the kiss and she already wanted him back. He bent, scooping her into his arms. “What are you doing?”

“Going to your shop.”


“To mark another box on the bucket list.”

With a laugh, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his chest. Enzo Moretti might have been her total opposite in many things, but their love for each other was one in the same.

Chapter 27

Six months later

Enzo squeezed Marco’s shoulder as Marco’s beautiful bride walked toward the altar. His brother was beaming, and Enzo couldn’t describe the emotions that filled him at seeing his brother’s happiness. Enzo glanced over to the pews and his eyes instantly met Cami’s.

She was beautiful with her recently dyed blonde hair cut just above her shoulders, accentuating the line along her neck that he loved to kiss. She smiled at him, and he felt it in every part of his being.

One day, it would be him standing in Marco’s place and Cami in the white dress walking toward him. He didn’t want to rush anything, enjoying their current time together, but he knew that for once he and Cami were on the same page.

They had spent six glorious months together, and while they fought at times, she stopped running away, and at the end of the day they were always right back where they belonged, in each other’s arms.

The talk of children still popped up, and while they still flip flopped, Enzo knew whether he wanted kids in a single moment or not, if Cami became pregnant, he would be filled with never ending joy.

He focused his attention back on the bride and groom. Marco was moving onto a new chapter in his life and maybe he didn’t need Enzo anymore, but Enzo would always stand by his baby brother’s side.

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