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“Don’t hey me. What the hell, Enzo?”

“It was going to be a surprise.” He actually had the nerve to look bashful.

“I told you I would take care of it.”

Enzo’s eyebrow arched, and she wanted to smack him. “What’s the big deal? It needs to be fixed. I’m getting it fixed.”

“Because I don’t need you to take care of things for me when I’m perfectly capable of taking care of them myself.”

“Yet you’ve had all this time to do it, and you haven’t.”

“If you’ve forgotten, I was injured. Thanks to you.”

“And your fingers weren’t broken. You could have picked up a phone and called someone to take care of it. You didn’t, so I did. You should be thanking me not chastising me.”

“Thank you? For going out of your way to do something I specifically told you I would handle.”

“That you didn’t handle! I’m doing you a favor.”

“I didn’t ask you to.”

“I never said you did. This is me being nice.”

“No, this is you trying to control my life.”

“That’s what this is about? Your inability to let people help you?”

He didn’t get it. “No this is about you overstepping. Just because I’m sleeping with you doesn’t give you the right to take over my life.”

His eyes darkened with anguish. “I thought we were more than just sleeping together.”

Damn it. The words hadn’t come out right. She had too much anger and frustration running through her. “We were.”

“Were?” The wounded look on his face cut deep into her heart. “Why are you saying it in past tense?”

She ran a hand through her hair, trying to get her thoughts to align before she said something else she’d regret. “I mean we are.”

“Are we?”

“Yes, why are you even questioning it? That’s not what this is about. This is about you not respecting my wishes.”

“It’s a fucking tire, Cami.”

His frustration snapped something inside her. “It’s not just a fucking tire, that’s my point. I got hurt, and you completely pushed me out the door and took over. You brought Paulie on to work overtime, you took Ella away from her life to fill in, you hired a new employee without consenting me, and now this. It’s just too much.”

“What are you saying?”

She didn’t know what she was saying; she couldn’t see beyond the anger. “Maybe we’re too different.”

“No, that’s just it. We’re not. All this time I thought we were total opposites, but the truth is we’re exactly the same.”

That wasn’t true. He wanted the white picket fence and a family, and she still wasn’t sure she wanted kids. How could she stay with him if she couldn’t give him the one thing he desired most? It was better to let him go now then disappoint him down the line.

“Either way, it doesn’t seem to be working,” she said, trying not to let her voice crack. Disappointment and an unbearable sadness brewed in her gut, but she shoved it down, determined to stay strong, refusing to break in front of him.

“We have one disagreement, and you’re just going to walk away?”

“There’s a reason I don’t do relationships.”

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