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“She’s a damn thorn in my side.”

Enzo laughed. He knew the feeling all too well.

“What are you laughing at?” Reid asked.

“Sounds like you might have a thing for her.”

“Are you out of your mind? I want to throttle her most of the time. She’s intrusive, pushy, doesn’t stop talking for two seconds, and she has no idea how to take no for an answer.”

Reid would figure it out one day, and then Enzo would gladly say I told you so. Until then, he would sit back and watch as the woman drove Reid to his breaking point.

“Enough about that incessive woman. I hear you have your own these days.”

“Word travels fast.”

“Considering you put on a display for the whole boardwalk, everyone in town knows.”

“That was kind of the point,” Enzo said. “Figured it was the easiest way to put it out there without a dozen different people coming up and asking without actually asking.”

“Smart move. I need to head to the station, then I’m going to crash for the next eight hours. These overnight shifts are killing me.”

“Tourist season is almost over.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Stop by for a beer whenever you have a minute,” Enzo said.

“Will do. Talk to you later, brother.” Reid patted Enzo on the back, and Enzo headed toward the restaurant. He mentally prayed that he wouldn’t find Grandpa with chicken wire, though he wasn’t going to hold his breath. The man was stubborn when he got an idea in his head, and he was determined to catch that damn seagull.

Enzo walked into the restaurant and headed to the kitchen. The lights were on, so he knew Grandpa had to be around here somewhere. He walked through the food prep area and to where the back door was propped open.

He prepared himself to see Grandpa with a mad scientist look on his face while he wielded wire cutters, but what Enzo found was a completely different sight. Grandpa was sitting on an old milk crate, hand feeding Diavolo pieces of bread.

Enzo just stood there for a moment, admiring the strange camaraderie between human and bird, wondering when the hell this truce happened. He’d only missed a couple days.

The door creaked, and Vinny spotted him. Vinny stood up and waved his hands. “Shoo, you beast. Shoo.” Diavolo spread his wings and took off into the mid-morning sky.

Vinny wiped his hands together probably trying to hide the crumbs.

“It’s too late,” Enzo said. “I saw the whole thing. When did you two become buddies?”

“If I can get him to trust me, I can catch him.”

“Please tell me you’re kidding.”

Vinny sighed. “Fine, the little bastard is a she after all.”

“How do you know?”


Enzo did as Vinny said and followed him. They weaved around the back of the building and stopped just shy of the end of the building. Vinny pointed upward to the flat part of the roof. Enzo looked up, and his eyes landed on a nest with two chicks that looked almost ready to fly the coop.

“I can’t take away a mother trying to provide for her family. That makes me Diavolo.”

Enzo rested a hand on Vinny’s shoulder, and once again it felt like the end of an era. So many things were changing, but for once, Enzo wasn’t afraid.

Chapter 23

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