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She looked up and kissed him, loving the feel of his lips on hers, the warmth of his arms wrapped around her. She never expected this for herself, but it wasn’t bad, and it was something she certainly could get used to.

“Let’s play a game.” While she loved watching the sunset, sitting around made her antsy.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Twenty questions.”

He laughed. “Any rules?”

“Nope, we each get twenty questions, and you just have to be honest with your answers.”

“Okay. I’ll go first. Why coffee?”

“Why not?”

“You could have opened any type of restaurant or store front and you chose coffee. I thought there might be a reason.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was something she never admitted to anyone because she thought it was pretty silly herself. “The truth?”


“When my cousins moved in, getting attention from my parents was hard, and I missed it. I learned that every morning between five and five thirty, my dad would get up for the day and make a cup of coffee, sit down at the table, and do nothing else but drink his coffee. I started waking up early so I could join him. I never drank the coffee, I was too young, but I cherish that half hour at the kitchen table we had every day before the rest of the house woke up. My dad would always look so tired at first, but with each sip, he woke up a little more. I give that to people now, and it’s by far the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.”

Enzo didn’t say anything, and heat crept into her cheeks. “I said it was silly.”

“Not at all. It makes perfect sense. Was it hard growing up with your cousins?”

Cami smiled. There were many layers to the answer, but she would try. “Yes and no. Yes, because I love them and they’re more like my siblings than cousins, but it was also hard. They had gone through so much at such a young age, and my parents focused a lot of their attention onto my cousins, leaving Bastien and I to fight for what was left.”

Enzo’s lips parted, and she knew he was gearing up to ask another question. Cami held her finger up. “You’ve already asked me two questions. It’s my turn.”

“Let’s have it then.”

“What’s your favorite color?”

“That’s all you have? Blue, I guess.”

“I actually knew that.”

“Did you?”

She nodded. “It’s a good color for you too.”

“I’ll remember that the next time I go clothes shopping. Now next question.”

“Oh no. You asked two questions, and I only asked one. It’s still my turn.”

She had told him something she had never told anyone, and now she wanted to know a deep dark secret of his. “Tell me something you’ve never told anyone.”

Enzo looked out at the ocean and was quiet for a long moment. “I’m the reason my father’s in jail.”

Shock straightened Cami’s spine. She looked at Enzo, waiting for him to yell psyche or tell her it was a misunderstanding, but his stoic features stayed solid as rock. “Your father is in jail because he got caught dealing drugs.”

“How do you think he got caught?” Enzo asked.

Cami’s eyes widened.

“I accidentally walked in on one of his ‘business meetings’.” He air quoted. “The guy pulled a gun on me, and my dad quickly averted the situation and yelled at me to get out of there. I stumbled out, dazed and confused, but once the fog in my brain cleared all I could think was what if that was Tony or Ella who had walked in? At that point I was an adult, but they were still kids, you know?

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