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“I didn’t realize I was getting dinner and a threat.”

“Better than a show.” She winked, and he felt it in his groin.

“I got you something.” He pulled a bag out from behind his back, and Cami stared at him in shock.

“Here I am trying to do something nice for you since you’ve done so much, and you return with a gift. You’re making me look bad.”

“You could never look bad.”

He held the bag out to her, and she recognized the label from Martha’s store. Curious as to what he could have possibly gotten there, she opened the bag. “What is all this?”

“Stuff to help you heal faster. I don’t know if I believe in all that mumbo jumbo, but I figured it’s worth a try.

Overcome with affection for this sweet, sweet man, she not so sexily hobbled to him, lifted up on her good toes, and kissed him.

“Thank you,” she said against his mouth. He took the bottles out of the bag one by one like an excited kid. It was such a different disposition than she was used to with Enzo, and she loved getting to experience all the sides of him.

“Martha said the cypress will increase circulation and reduce inflammation. The peppermint and the frankincense will also reduce inflammation and help with the bruising.”

“Perfect. And what about this?” She held up the lavender bath salts.

“It has Epsom salt in it, but Martha said to wait on the hot bath because heat can actually contribute to inflammation, and we don’t want that.”

“Definitely not. We’ll just put this aside for now.” Thoughts of sharing a bath with Enzo popped into her mind and heat filled her cheeks. She pushed the bag of goodies to the corner of the counter. “You hungry?”

“Starving.” He cupped the nape of her neck and pulled her lips to his. By the time they got to dinner it was cold, but it was the best meal Cami ever had.

Chapter 20

Enzo rushed through his day, wanting to get back to Cami. He wanted to make sure she was resting, but more than that, he just wanted to see her. Plain and simple, he missed her.

He filled a drink order then went to check on Chris to make sure he was keeping with the pace. Enzo found Grandpa in the back, helping Chris plate fries before grabbing two plates and heading for the door.

It didn’t matter how old he got; Grandpa never stopped going. Enzo admired his drive and dedication to the business after all these years, even if Enzo worried about him more than he should. Enzo wanted him to slow down, but maybe that was exactly what he didn’t need. The restaurant gave him purpose—a reason to live outside his grandchildren.

“Scusami,” Grandpa said.

Enzo didn’t even bother to offer to take the plates this time. Grandpa would only shut him down, and Enzo would be frustrated. He didn’t need to be frustrated; he needed to realize that he didn’t have to protect everyone. It was okay to let Grandpa do his thing and trust that when the time came he would know when to slow down.

After Enzo checked with Chris, he headed to the bar. Marco strolled in the door and gave a nod when he spotted Enzo. Now with Marco here, Enzo could get back to Cami.

“Thanks for covering me,” Enzo said when Marco approached the bar.

“You rarely ask for a favor. Don’t worry about it.”

Enzo grabbed his keys and patted Marco on the back.

“Where you heading anyway?’ Marco asked.

Enzo had no idea if Marco was playing dumb, or if he hadn’t heard the town gossip yet. “Cami hurt her ankle. I’m going to her place to see if she’s okay.”

“Why not just call her?”

“Would you just call Aubrey when you could show up on her doorstep?”

Awareness crossed his tanned face. “Oh, it’s like that.”

Enzo shrugged; there wasn’t much else to say. Marco could read in between the lines.

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