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She arched her eyebrow in his direction. “I only drink French press at home.”

“Lucky for you I know exactly how to use a French press.”

“You do?”

“You did come to the house for the holidays over the years, right?”


“Then you know my grandfather always had his French pressed coffee at the end of the night with a little cream.” It was a holiday tradition among the adults in the family, and as Enzo got older, he’d joined in the after dinner pick-me-up.

“Oh yes. Except I wouldn’t call Sambuca cream.”

“Don’t tell my grandfather that.”

“I would never.” Cami had always respected his grandfather, always went out of her way to say hi to him and have a conversation. Those were the things he hadn’t paid much attention to before, but now as they filtered in through his memory, he realized that maybe subconsciously he had noticed her all along.

Chapter 19

Cami had fallen asleep in Enzo’s lap on the couch, while she forced him to watch the horrible movie that was Willow Cove. He propped her ankle up, laid the ice pack on it, then headed out to pick up a few things and to check on her shop.

It took him longer to find parking, probably because it was later in the day and everyone had already made their way to the beach and the restaurants. He found a spot after twenty minutes of looking and pulled in.

The boardwalk was booming with people, some in nothing more than a bathing suit, while others were dressed for a late lunch.

He bypassed the Local Bean and stepped into Mind, Body, and Soul and was immediately assaulted by the overwhelming variety of scents. He couldn’t pinpoint a particular one; they all seemed to overpower each other, making it impossible to decipher.

“Isn’t this a lovely surprise.” Martha came out from behind the register and gave him a hug. “What can I do for you today?”

“Is there any natural remedy for a sprained ankle?” Enzo wasn’t expecting a miracle, but if there was something he could do that may help Cami heal sooner, then he was going to try.

“There is a natural remedy for just about everything.” Martha floated over to the essential oils and scanned the bottles. “Here we are. This one.” She plucked a bottle off the shelf and handed it to him. “This one and this one.”

She handed him the bottles, and he read them aloud. “Cypress, frankincense, and peppermint.” Martha explained what each oil did and Enzo didn’t realize he should have brought a pen and paper with him to take notes. “Do I mix all three together?”

“Oh child, no. Pick one and stick with it.”

“Then why are you giving me all three?”

“They all have their own scent, and I’m not sure which one Cami will like best. Let her decide. Though, frankincense will help with stress and anxiety, and if I know Cami, she’s probably wound tighter than an eight-day clock.”

“You definitely have that right.” Enzo remembered the conversation at the coffee shop. “Didn’t you say something about lavender?”

“Yes, I did. I have the perfect thing.” Martha spun, her turquoise shirt floating behind her like a cape. Enzo followed her over to the bath area where Krissy’s soap had a large display on a table. Martha reached to the left of the soaps, grabbed a small bag, and handed it to him.

“That there is lavender bath salt. Draw her a nice bath and sprinkle it right on it.” Martha gave him a wink.

“I think she can handle it herself,” Enzo said, not wanting Martha to think anything was going on between him and Cami. They hadn’t exactly told the world about it. Their relationship had been pretty much behind closed doors.

“We’re going to play that game? Okay…”

“What game?” he asked.

“The game where you two act like you’re not a thing when everyone and their brother knows you are.”

“I wouldn’t say we’re a thing.” Thing sounded so impersonal.

“You’re something.”

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