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“All my friends had crushes on her,” Enzo admitted.

“Can’t say I blame them. I kind of had a crush on her. Not in a romantic way, but in an I want to be like her when I grow up way.”

Enzo smiled, but it was half-hearted. He rested his elbows on the island and pressed his interlocked fingers against his chin.

“I’m sorry,” Cami said. “I shouldn’t have brought her up.”

“No, it’s not that. I’m happy you did. My family and I spend so much time not talking about her that it’s actually nice to.”

“What about your dad?” Cami asked, and Enzo’s entire body stiffened. His jaw turned to solid rock, unbreakable and painfully tight. “Never mind,” she quickly added. Vinny Jr. was a hot topic for everyone in the Moretti family. He was spending his days in jail, and the only person who visited him to Cami’s knowledge was Ella. Every third Friday of the month, she borrowed one of her brother’s vehicles, drove to the bus stop, and hoofed it to Connecticut for a visit. Enzo, while he offered his Jeep up, never went with Ella. “We don’t have to talk about him.”

He nodded and took a bite of his lobster roll. She felt bad for bringing up the subject and felt like she needed to ease the tension-filled air. She held up her lobster roll. “Do you ever get sick of eating these?”

A laugh rumbled up his throat, and she relaxed into the stool. “You think I would. I’ve been eating them at least two to three times a week since I was a kid, but I don’t. It’s basically part of the food group.”

“That’s healthy.”

His eyes flicked to his biceps, and he purposely flexed, pressing hard muscle against the short sleeves of his button down. “I think I’m doing okay in that department.”

“Had no idea you were so full of yourself.”

“This is nothing. You should see what’s under the shirt.”

“I already have.”

His eyebrow arched. “In your dreams.”

“You wish. Let’s see.” She held her finger up and ticked off. “When you changed my tire. On the beach.”

“I didn’t realize you were keeping a scorecard.”

“I had no idea you were packing so many abs.”

He laughed, and it was so genuine and light-hearted it made her blush. She turned away and faced the kitchen. “You know what would be great right now?”

“I don’t usually let people touch my abs, but I’m willing to make an exception.” He went to reach for the hem of his shirt, and she shook her head.

“Not quite Romeo. I was thinking more like a glass of wine.”

“I can run to the store.”

She shook her head, lips pursed. “It’s like you don’t know me at all.”

She stood and Enzo grabbed her wrist. His heat mixed with hers, sending delicious hot waves coursing through her body.

“Where are you going?”

“To get a glass of wine.” It was a glass of wine, not like she was going out to run a 5k.

“And how do you plan on getting it back here? If you hop, which I know you will, it’ll spill all over the place.”

She gritted her teeth. Damn it. He had a point. An annoying point, but nonetheless, she couldn’t argue with reason, though it was tempting.

She let out a perturbed breath and flopped back onto the stool. It was for the wine after all. “Top shelf of the fridge is an open bottle of Sauvignon blanc. Glasses are in the top left cabinet.”

He went to the fridge, and she watched as he moved around her kitchen with ease. He didn’t look out of place; if anything, he looked like he belonged there. The thought was scary. When it came to her life, she was selfish. She liked things her way, and didn’t like to have to adjust her schedule to work around someone else’s.

“I have beer in the fridge too. Second shelf.”

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