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“I know, but I can’t help myself.” She shrugged. “You two have been alone for so long, and well… I approve.”

Enzo didn’t need Ella’s approval, but as soon as she said it, the hesitation that he had felt earlier vanished, and all he could think about was getting back to Cami.

“Thanks,” he said. “Will you be able to come in tomorrow and run the register for one more day?”

“For Cami, absolutely. But I’m betting you twenty bucks right now you won’t be able to keep her away from those doors.”

Enzo held out his hand. “You’re on.”

Chapter 17

Cami woke to the smell of seafood wafting through her living room. Her eyes popped open, and she shot up, looking around while she tried to get her bearings.

“Look who decided to wake up.” Enzo’s voice floated out of the kitchen, warm and crisp—the complete opposite of the gruff, aroused voice he had in her dream.

“I must’ve fallen asleep,” she said. “What time is it?” She ran a hand through her hair in case she had couch hair.

“Five o’clock.”

Her jaw dropped open. “In the afternoon?”

“Well, it’s definitely not morning.”

She managed to sleep the entire day away. How did she let that happen? She could have finalized the design for her mugs, called her mom to see if the landscaper came, folded her…

“Did you fold my towels?” she asked.

Enzo stepped out of the kitchen, a dishrag in his hand. “Gave me something to do while you were sleeping.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Only a half hour.”

A half hour! He’d been in her house for a half hour, and she slept right through it. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“You looked so peaceful, and you were snoring, so I figured you were in a pretty deep sleep.”

“I do not snore.”

Amusement danced in his blue irises, the corner of his lips tugging upward. “Oh yes, you do.”

“I definitely do not.” She would know for sure if she was a snorer, and she knew for a fact that she wasn’t.

“Sounded like a hacksaw.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, and if you tell anyone, I’ll have to kill you.”

He laughed. “Then you’re admitting you snore.”

“I never said that.”

“You asked me not to tell anyone which insinuates that you snore.”

She waved her hand. “I just woke up, I can’t remember the last time I had coffee or food, so whatever I say cannot be held against me.”

“Hungry?” he asked.

“My stomach is currently creating a symphony.”

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