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“The Local Bean, where the coffee is always fresh. How can I help you?” Cami would recognize Ella’s voice anywhere.

“You remembered the line,” Cami said.

Ella gave a half sigh, half laugh into the phone. “Of course, you’ve only been using it since you opened. You even answer your cell with that line every now and again, though I never have the heart to tell you.”

This was news to Cami, but she wasn’t surprised. Her brain was always in work mode.

“What’s up? And don’t tell me you’re calling to check on me.”

“Well,” Cami said. “I just want to make sure everything is running smoothly.”

“You have nothing to worry about. Paulie and I make a great team. The morning rush with your usuals seems to have died down, and now it’s just the random tourists popping in.”

“It’s Monday, so Mr. Schultz will be coming in for his café Americano.”

“Already did, and he had no complaints.”

“Oh,” Cami said surprised. Mr. Schultz was very particular about his coffee, and if he wasn’t happy, he surely would let everyone in a ten-mile radius know.

“Are you sure?” she asked. “Did you ask him if everything was all right?”

“He’s still here, do you want to talk to him yourself?”

It was tempting, but even she knew when she was going too far. “No, I’ll take your word for it.”

“Well, that’s a first.”

“Lot of firsts today,” Cami said.

“Oh really…?”

Cami had always told Ella everything, but the kiss between her and Enzo? She wanted to keep it between them for a little longer. Even though he cut it short and up and left, for the few moments their lips were joined, it was special, and she wasn’t ready to divulge details and cheapen the act.

“Me being home in the middle of the day,” Cami said. “I can’t remember the last time I actually saw the sun shining in my window.” She was always gone before it came up and usually didn’t get home until after it went down.

“Enjoy it then.”

“How can I enjoy it when I know my coffee is being made by a college kid?”

“You need to give Paulie a little more credit and maybe a raise. The kid is good. He made my coffee and put just the right amount of half and half and cinnamon. And you know how picky I am about that.”

Ella was pretty particular about her coffee. But splashing half and half and dumping a little cinnamon on top was easy compared to a caramel macchiato or a mocha cappuccino.

“I can hear you thinking,” Ella said. “And trust me, we have it all under control.”

“I’ll try.”

“Hey, is my brother still with you? I thought being together in the car, all alone—”

“He dropped me off and had to head back to the restaurant. He said he’d be back later.”

“Oh, well that’s disappointing, though I’m not surprised. He gets worried leaving Grandpa alone for too long. Not like he needs a babysitter, but you can’t tell Enzo that.”

“You can’t tell him much,” Cami said.

“No you can’t. I hate to cut you short, but it looks like a group of teenagers are about to descend.”

“If they don’t know what they want, you can’t go wrong with suggesting a café mocha.”

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