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Mrs. Moretti had died of a brain aneurism in her kitchen, but that was all Cami had ever known. Enzo had been so close to his mother—all of the Moretti siblings had been—but Enzo was the first born, Mrs. Moretti’s baby boy no matter how big he got. They had a special bond, and to think Enzo was the one who found her…Her heart ached for him, for the man he was over a decade ago who had experienced life’s cruelties in the worst possible way.

“I didn’t know that.” She took his hand in hers, needing to offer him comfort in some way, even if it was too many years too late. “My God, Enzo. I couldn’t even imagine.”

The heat in his hand drained as if the memory turned his blood cold.

“She was lying next to a chair she’d put up against the counter. She could never reach the top shelf. I thought she might have fallen.”

His voice cracked, he sucked in a jagged breath, and scrubbed a palm over his face. “I called out to her, ran to her side, but she didn’t respond. I was afraid to move her, but when she wouldn’t respond I had to do something. I called 911 and started CPR. I remember praying in between breaths as I did chest compressions, begging God to bring her back, but seconds turned into minutes, and next thing I knew the EMTs were trying to pull me off of her. It was pretty apparent that she was gone, but I refused to believe it. I knocked them out of the way and went back to doing compressions. Anybody that tried to stop me, I hit. Until Reid came up behind me, grabbed me in a bear hug, and dragged me out of the kitchen.She’s gone.She’s gone. He said it over and over. Eventually it sunk in, and I collapsed in his arms.”

A tear slipped down his cheek, and Cami, without a second thought, wrapped her arms around him. His body shook with silent sobs, and feeling powerless against the horrid memories in his mind, she did the only thing she could. She held him close, cradling his head, and rocking back and forth, providing him a shoulder to cry on, comfort, and love.

How long had he held this in? Other than Reid and the EMTs who were there that day, did anyone else know? Or had he kept it to himself to protect his family?

Cami knew the answer without asking.

Enzo Moretti was many things, but a martyr wasn’t one of them.

Chapter 15

It was the worst moment of his life. It had been over a decade since that very day, and he’d never seen a day as dark as that Thursday in May. He didn’t talk about it. There was no reason to. He failed at bringing his mom back. All those CPR classes he took to be a lifeguard had been proven useless.

He buried the memories, locked the door, and never looked back. He never had any reason to revisit that day, but when he’d seen Cami on that chair, the lock opened, and the memories rushed to the surface.

Her arms around him held the door open, allowing years of pent up grief to overwhelm him. It was a black hole, and he was afraid he’d never find his way out. Then Cami’s fingers brushed through his hair, and a sliver of light found its way inside. He focused on that light, allowing it to guide him back to the present and far away from that fateful day.

With a deep breath, he found his composure and sat up, drawing away from Cami’s warm embrace.

“What I remember most,” he said. “Was how peaceful she looked. There was no life left in her, but she truly looked at peace. Over the years, I think that has helped a little.”

Cami rested a gentle hand on his shoulder, and it gave him comfort in a way he’d never experienced before. It was pure warmth and love, understanding and calmness.

“That’s why you yelled.”

He nodded. “I knew the fall didn’t kill my mom, but seeing you up there… I don’t know. I suddenly had a flash of that day, and I snapped which only made you fall anyway. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, but it was total instinct.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Okay it is.” She laughed, and the warm sound was healing to his soul. “But I’m kind of happy it happened.”

He arched his eyebrow in confusion. There was a lot to be happy about in life. He’d learned that after experiencing so much loss and heartache on his own. Happiness could be found in the smallest of things, but this left him with doubts. “You’re happy you hurt yourself?”

She took his hand in hers, turning it over and tracing the lines of his palm before lacing her fingers with his. “You’re here, and for the first time in a long time, I don’t feel lonely.”

He grazed the soft warmth of her cheek. Her eyes locked with his, and he felt in his heart that every horrible thing in his life, every tragedy brought him to this moment. He had never believed in destiny, but he had no other way to explain what was happening between him and Cami.

Her rosy lips parted, and her head tilted into the cup of his hand. His thumb brushed against her plump bottom lip. “I was mad you didn’t properly kiss me the other day.”

“I’m mad at myself for not kissing you properly.” He bent his head, the allure of her mouth drawing him in until his mouth was pressed against hers. A sweet tenderness uncoiled in his chest as he wrapped her in his arms.

Their lips moved against each other, and while he expected Cami to take control like she did with everything else in life, she didn’t. Her mouth followed his lead, and he was happy to set the pace. Slow at first, relishing in the firm pressure of her soft lips sliding against his in a synchronized dance. Desire unfurled inside him, building in speed and ferocity as he lifted her onto his lap, careful not to hurt her ankle.

Her arms snaked around his neck, holding him closer. He teased the corner of her mouth with his tongue, and a light sound escaped her throat when she parted her lips to let him in. He sunk his fingers into the red strands of her hair and held her face as his tongue slipped past the crease.

She sighed as their tongues slid against each other, sending desire rippling down his spine. She tasted sweet with the slightest hint of coffee—a seductive mixture that he couldn’t get enough of.

Her fingers trailed up his neck and tangled into his hair. Heat shot to his core, his cock hardened, and his control was waning. He wanted her with every ounce of his being, but not yet. He’d known Cami forever, but seeing her in this new light, he felt like he was just getting to know her again.

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