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“Nothing, but the design is a few years old. I want something new and fresh for my customers.”

“I like the design you have now.”

“Of course you do.”

He sat down on the coffee table, blocking her from gathering any more papers.

“You’re in my way.”

He took the papers from her hand and placed them behind him. “Sit.”

“Didn’t we just go over how I’m not a dog?”

“Please,” he added.

She sighed and plopped down. He took her ankle in his hand and brought it up on his lap. He removed her shoe, and his thumb brushed against the swollen skin. She inhaled a jagged breath.

“Did that hurt?” he asked.

“A little.”

With that admission he felt her vulnerability coming to the surface. “Sorry.”

“No worries. I’m sure it’ll be fine by morning. If you can’t sleep, looks like you’ll be running by yourself on the beach again.”

Their morning run had been unexpected, completely out of line with his normal schedule, and though Cami was right and he hated change, running with her before the sun came up was one thing he didn’t mind changing.


“What made you get a bird?” Enzo asked as his finger trailed over the small tattoo on the inner side of her ankle, sending goosebumps up her leg.

“Mon petit oiseau,” she said. “Little bird. It’s what my dad has called me ever since I was a little kid.”

Enzo glanced up at her, blue eyes lit with amusement. “It’s fitting.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You never sit still. You’re always ready to take flight, wild and free, graceful and beautiful.”

“I wasn’t graceful when I fell off the chair.”

“I’m sure you would have been just fine if I didn’t scare the hell out of you.”

“Can’t argue there. What were you thinking anyway? See someone standing on a chair and decide to yell at them.”

“It reminded me of something, and I panicked.”

Her brows pulled together. “Reminded you of what?”

The bright blue of his irises dimmed, a sadness overtaking like dark clouds before a storm. “My mom.”

Mrs. Moretti was a woman loved by everyone who met her, especially Cami. She admired her effortless beauty and kind heart. When she passed, it had been sudden and unexpected and had rocked the entire town.

Enzo stared off, an emotionless expression on his face. His lips parted, and he leaned forward, elbows resting on knees. “I was the one who found her.”

“Found who? Your mother?”

He nodded.

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