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“No,” he said.

“Have you ever wanted to? Or is your moral compass too strong that you can’t even think about something so scandalous?”

“Laws are in place for a reason.”

“Oh come on. You’ve never wanted to go to the park after dark? Jump off the docks down at the marina? Go skinny dipping?”

A strangled choke came from Enzo, and Cami laughed at the shocked look crossing his face. By that reaction she could guess his answer was a big fat no. A vision of Enzo, naked body glistening in the moonlight, invaded her thoughts.

“Have you done those things?” he asked.

“Do you even have to ask?”

“Who did you go skinny dipping with?”

“Why, are you jealous?” she asked, not thinking before the words were out. They hung there between them like an awkwardly placed wall, unable to ignore it, but not really sure how to proceed around it either.

“Maybe,” Enzo said, and Cami shifted in her seat to look at him. Pain bit her ankle, and she sighed in disappointment.

“Maybe when I can walk again, we can give it a try.”

Enzo let out a laugh, loud and robust that had Cami leaning back slightly. She didn’t know whether to be offended or amused.

“I didn’t realize the idea of me naked was so funny.”

His laugh died, and his head snapped to her. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“You’re the one who laughed.”

“I laughed at the idea of me going skinny dipping. Not exactly something I have ever thought about.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. I guess the opportunity never presented itself, and even if it did, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal.”

“That’s what makes it fun. You’ve never had the urge to just strip your clothes off and run into the ocean, feel the water against every part of your body? Feel the thrill of someone potentially seeing you?”

“Is that why you did it?”

“Partly, but the someone I was with wanted to, so I was like why not?”


“You wouldn’t know him. He was some summer fling that lasted no more than a couple weeks.”

His brow creased, lips curving down in a frown.

“What?” she asked.


“You have that look on your face.”

“What look?”

“The one where I feel like you’re judging me, but you’re too much of a gentleman to actually tell me. So out with it.”

His hand tightened on the steering wheel as he inhaled. “Fine. I don’t understand why you get together with men you’ll most likely never see again.”

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