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“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not.”

“It will be. I have to open.”

“You cannot work with your ankle like this.”

“Watch me.” She removed her foot from his hand and stood defiantly, only for pain to ricochet through her leg. She winced and clenched her teeth to keep the squeal of agony from escaping.Damn it. Now she was never going to convince him she was okay.

“Let me take you home.”

“Are you out of your mind? I’m set to open in five minutes. My regulars will be expecting their coffees. I can’t let them down.” Not to mention the last person she wanted to be stuck in a car with was Enzo. Last night, he apologized to her for almost kissing her, like it was some lapse in judgement, and he was trying to repent of his sins. It was obvious that whatever had passed between them had meant nothing to him.

“You can’t even walk. How do you plan on making coffee and helping customers?”

“Yes, I can. I just have to move slowly.” She moved her foot forward and quickly shifted to her other foot. She continued this ridiculous escapade all the way to the espresso machine, being extra careful not to put too much weight on her bad ankle.

She really needed to get the broom from the utility closet and clean up the glass before her customers started arriving.

“I’ll help you,” Enzo said.

“How the hell are you going to help me? You have your own business to run, and you fired Ella not too long ago, if you have forgotten.” Cami didn’t accept help easily, and she definitely didn’t want Enzo’s help. He could take his lame ass apology and offer of help and shove it. She would manage just fine without him taking control.

“First of all, I didn’t fire her. I let her go so she could pursue her dream of interior design. You and I both know she never would have left on her own. Secondly, I have more than one person on my staff, unlike someone who thinks she can run everything herself. Not to mention my place doesn’t open for at least five more hours.”

“Then why are you here so early?” she asked. He usually didn’t come in until about ten or eleven. She wasn’t used to seeing him so early except on the beach those couple of mornings. She wasn’t prepared, and now with her ankle throbbing, she was feeling vulnerable.

He rubbed at the slight stubble on his chin. “I didn’t sleep well again, and after my run on the beach, I figured I might as well start my day. Needed a little pick me up to get me through.”

“You went for a run this morning?” she asked, guilt and disappointment swirling inside her.

“I did. It was peaceful. If not a little lonely.”

Was he insinuating that he wished she was on the beach with him? He was the one who made what happened between them yesterday into some sort of mistake.

She wondered what would have happened if she hadn’t overslept this morning. If she’d made it to the beach for her early morning run. She would have seen Enzo, and he never would have barged in here like he did. Her ankle wouldn’t be double its normal size either.

“Still have a lot on your mind?” she asked in an attempt to ignore the pain.

“Yeah,” he admitted. If only he’d elaborate, give her a little more insight into that brain of his. He was good at talking but revealed very little about himself. Everything Cami knew, she’d figured out from years of observing him.

“Let me get you your coffee.” She grabbed a cup and turned carefully to the coffee machine, but it wasn’t careful enough. A sharp ache shot through her foot and up her calf. She grabbed for the counter, but before she could grab the wood top, strong arms scooped her up.

“Like I said, stubborn,” Enzo said, his breath warm against her ear. “I’ll make my own coffee.”

“Do you even know how to make coffee?” she asked.

“I think I can manage.”

“That’s great and everything, but what about my other customers? Kayla Montclair will be expecting her mocha frappe. Harry Balister will want his cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso. Mrs. Finestein will want her redeye, and Reid will definitely need his café macchiato before his double shift at the station.”

“Tell me what to do, and I’ll make them.”

Did he really think it would be that easy? Did he not realize that every single coffee she hand delivered to her customers was made with precision and passion? Heavy on one ingredient or stingy on another could throw off the balance of an entire order. Her customers deserved better than that.

But what choice did she have at this point? She was desperate to get rid of Enzo so she could fight through the pain, but every time she put pressure on her ankle, she had to fight back tears.

“I think people will understand,” he said.

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