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Now that he was thinking clearly, he could figure it out. “Your brother helped you with this little stunt, didn’t he?”

“Of course.”

He desperately wanted to take her outside and finish what he had almost started today, but instead he broke their locked gaze. “Now that I know you didn’t completely destroy my place, and I trust you didn’t buy me some ornate coffee table, I need to head back in there before Stan loses his patience and all hell breaks loose.”

“Enzo Moretti: peace keeper,” Cami said with a wink that had heat rush through his entire body. He swallowed and focused his attention on anything but her.

“Have you seen Tony?” he asked Ella, desperate for a topic that could make him forget about the beautiful redhead.

“He came in this morning for breakfast then went right back into his studio. He said the muse is strong, and he doesn’t want to disturb it.”

“Whatever the hell that means,” Enzo mumbled.

“He’s in the zone,” Cami explained.

“If I knew he was going to lock himself away in that studio, I never would have helped him build it.”

Cami poked his shoulder, and his eyes lingered on the spot. “Just think. When he’s some famous artist, you can tell people you helped build his first studio where he made all of his masterpieces.”

Enzo liked to think Tony would become successful with his art, but he didn’t know how that was possible. Enzo wasn’t exactly clued in to the art world and had no idea how it actually worked, but Tony locking himself up for weeks at a time wasn’t a way to support himself.

“Enzo, are you playing or not?” Stan’s voice drifted out of the dining room.

“You’re being beckoned,” Ella said. “You don’t want to keep them waiting.”

“Fabriella, is that you?” Grandpa called down the hallway.

Ella turned to Cami. “You want to stay for a few?”

“I need to head out. I have some things to do before I get to bed then I have an early day tomorrow. I’ll call you.”

“Talk to you then.” Ella gave a wave and headed down the hallway, leaving Enzo and Cami completely alone.

They stood there in awkward silence for a moment before she tossed her thumb over her shoulder. “I should go.”

“Get home safely…since I’m sure you didn’t get that tire fixed.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m going to knock you over the head with that tire.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

“Is that a challenge?”

He laughed, and when she didn’t make any move to leave, he decided to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

“About earlier…” he said.

She waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I didn’t mean to.”

Her eyebrows curved inward, her brown eyes filling with an emotion he couldn’t quite put his finger on. “Seriously, don’t worry about it. It was totally innocent, and I get that. No reason to make a big deal out of it.”

“Yeah, right.” If she had been in his head and heard his thoughts, she wouldn’t be blowing it off as nothing, but it was probably for the best. “Drive safely.” He opened the door.

She stood there for a second then nodded. “I’ll make sure to do seventy the entire way home.”

He went to say something, but she was already out the door.

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