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“Was it a pretty lady?” Dominick asked, his already red cheeks brightening.

Enzo laughed. “It was a woman who is on vacation with her husband, celebrating fifty years of wedded bliss.”

“God bless them,” Joe Prescott, Lucas’ grandfather said. His gray hair was combed back like usual, showcasing his prominent forehead.

Dominick rolled his eyes. “If I was married to the same woman for fifty years, I’d rip out every last bit of hair on my head.”

“That’s not saying much, since there’s not much left for the picking,” Vinny said.

Stan thudded his arm on the table. “Are we playing or not?” Enzo had never met a man more serious about poker night than Stan, and Stan hated when the rest of the men got distracted from the game.

Alfonso, the quiet one of the poker crew, sat back observing like he usually did. He never really had much to say. Then again, with this group it was hard to get a word in edgewise.

“Let’s break to eat,” Vinny said, and Stan threw his hands up in the air.

“What are you moaning about?” Dominick asked. “You keep losing anyway.”

“Because you keep cheating!”

“Oh please. More like you and your lousy poker skills.”

“I’ll give you lousy poker skills.” Stan threw his cards down on the table and stood up. One of these days Enzo was going to let them throw punches. Then again, both being in their seventies, he was afraid they’d break a hip trying.

“Settle down, gentleman,” Enzo said. “Where is Wilson?”

The energy in the room changed instantly. All the men suddenly quiet.

“Wife’s not having a good day,” Vinny said. “She started a more aggressive treatment, and it did a number on her.”

Enzo nodded. He didn’t need Grandpa to go into any more detail. Wilson’s wife had been diagnosed with cancer, and she’d been fighting like hell. They had all been hopeful she’d beat it, but there were moments like this when no one wanted to express their deepest thoughts.

“You should have told me sooner,” Enzo said. “I would have brought them over dinner.”

“I asked. He didn’t want anything,” Vinny said.

“I’ll stop by tomorrow and see if there’s anything I can do.”

Vinny pulled Enzo’s head down, kissing his forehead. “Sono fiero di te.”

Enzo didn’t know why his grandfather would be proud of him for doing what he had taught him, but it was still nice to hear. Enzo patted Vinny on the shoulder. “Let’s eat.”

His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he fished it out. A text from Ella flashed on his screen. He opened it.

Surprise. What do you think?

His eyes widened as he did a double and triple take. That was definitely his living room. Why in the hell were the walls purple?Purple! He was going to kill her. And was that a white fur blanket? What about him made her think, yup he definitely needs a white fur blanket?

She had to be kidding. Had to be.

Very funny.

You don’t like it?

Stop playing around.

I’m not. You told me to take charge, so I thought that meant I could do what I thought would look best.

And you thought it was purple walls and a fucking white fur blanket!?

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