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“It’s round, made of rubber, and it goes in a circle to make the car move. Same thing.”

He put the shifter in reverse and backed up toward her car, coming to a stop just before tapping the bumper. “A donut is much smaller than a full-size spare, and you shouldn’t go over fifty miles per hour with it on.”

He would know all of that. “That won’t be a problem with tourist season in full effect. It takes me twenty minutes just to get across town.”

He held his hand out. “Keys?”

She dipped into her new yellow designer crossbody bag and pulled out her keys. She dangled them in front of Enzo.

His blue eyes stared at the keys with disdain. “What the hell is that?”

“My keys.”

“No that?” He pointed to the Mickey and Minnie keychain with her name on it. It was a gift from her other best friend Krissy, who had brought it home for her from Disney World. Krissy had told her she thought it was the perfect gift for her, since finding ‘Camille’ on any souvenir was nearly impossible. Or maybe Enzo was pointing to the guardian angel keychain Dad gave her when she passed her driving test in high school. Though, it could’ve been the Willow Cove bottle opener keychain.

“What’s what?” she asked.

“All of that.”


He swiped the keys out of her hand and unhooked the car key from the rest before tossing the chains back to her.

“Hey!” she exclaimed.

“I’ll put it back when I’m done.” He shifted to get out, and she reached for her door.

He stopped and glared at her. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to help.”

“Stay in the truck with the AC.”

“Don’t think I can help?” She was an independent woman who might not have known how to change a tire, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t help and maybe learn a little as she did.

“No, I don’t need you micromanaging me on something you know little to nothing about.”

Micromanager was a label her friends constantly attached to her. She didn’t see what was wrong with making sure things ran smoothly. It’s not that she thought she could do better—okay, maybe she did—but she still didn’t see a problem with that.

Her head tilted, and she tried to keep from smiling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Your smile says otherwise. Just stay here. I’ll be done in ten minutes.”

If he wanted to go out there and sweat his butt off without her, then she wasn’t going to sit here and argue. “I’m here if you need me.”

“I won’t.”

He got out of the car, and she rolled the window down to adjust the mirror. She pointed it at her car so she could keep an eye on Enzo. Just because she wasn’t out there, didn’t mean she couldn’t monitor the situation.

He went to the trunk, and she probably should have warned him that half her life was in there. Working fourteen-hour days and balancing time to go to the gym and spend time with her friends, her car had become her second home.

The interior made it appear that she had her life together, but that trunk… She definitely should have given him a warning.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Enzo’s words drifted by with the slight breeze that rustled the cattails and seagrass.

She clenched her teeth and decided to get out of the car to help. Enzo told her not to get involved, but he offered to change her tire, not deal with the avalanche of crap she had concealed in her trunk. Most people would have seen that disaster and run the other way.

She walked up the side of the car and peered over. Enzo had all of her stuff shoved to one side and her red lace bra dangled from his finger.

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