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“Aubrey is okay with this?” Enzo asked. He hadn’t always been easy on the poor girl.

“She’s cool,” Marco said. “That Shirley Temple peace offering seemed to have done the trick.”

He knew the coke and grenadine drink would work. It always had when Aubrey was a teenager. “Have you set a date?”

“We’re thinking February.”

“A winter wedding? I would have expected a summer wedding from you two.” Summer was when they had met all those years ago.

“We’ve waited so long to finally be together; we don’t want to wait any more. We figured six months is long enough. If it were up to me, we’d go down to the town hall and be married tomorrow, but Aubrey wants a wedding.”

“I don’t think Grandpa would forgive you if you didn’t have a wedding. You know he loves a good party.”

Marco rubbed a hand over his face. “Yeah, he does.” Marco’s lips pressed into a thin line, the corners of his mouth turning down. Enzo knew that look, too.

“What’s going on?”

Marco took a swig from his bottle. “It just sucks that Mom and Grandma won’t be there.”

“They will be,” Enzo said. “They’re a part of you. A part of all of us.”

“I guess.” He took another sip of his beer. “Anyway. I have to now ask Tony and Reid if they’ll be groomsman. Have you seen our baby brother?”

“Not in over a week. He’s been sleeping in his studio, though, and you know how he doesn’t like to be disturbed when he’s in there. I tried checking on him, and he basically shut the door in my face.”

“I’m surprised Grandpa hasn’t dragged his ass out yet.”

“It’s only a matter of time, I’m sure.”

“Maybe I’ll try my chances.”

“Worth a shot.”

“If he gets pissed, I’ll just kick his ass.”

Enzo sighed. Marco always thought with his fists first. As a teenager it was a problem, and he’d finally gotten his impulses under control, with the exception of punching Lucas a couple months ago, but he did it in defense of Ella, so Enzo couldn’t get mad at him. Even if he was a tad bit out of line.

“Please don’t,” Enzo said.

“Why not? I kick his ass, someone calls the cops. Reid shows up, and I kill two birds with one stone.”

“And get taken away in handcuffs.”

“Reid wouldn’t arrest me. He’d just shake his head and grumble under his breath.”


“What are you doing after work? Want to come down to the docks and throw back a few?” Marco asked.

“Not tonight.” He had his heart set on watching that documentary.

“Just as well,” Marco said. “I have a shit ton of orders I have to work on.”

Marco’s repurposed lobster trap furniture had been a huge success ever since Aubrey’s old employer ran a magazine spread with Marco’s pieces at the beginning of the month. After Aubrey had quit, neither knew if the piece would even be published, but it was, and overnight Marco and his furniture had become a hot commodity, guaranteeing Marco a stable future.

Enzo no longer had to worry about Marco. All the pieces were finally falling together for him.

Marco finished off his beer and pushed the bottle across the bar. “Thanks for the drink.”

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