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Krissy patted her shoulder. “Not everyone is as blunt as you.”

“Krissy’s out,” Ella said. “So what do you say, Cami? Please? You already said you’d come to look at décor.”

“Why not?” she said. “Just let me know when and I’ll figure it out.”

“Friday night after you close shop?”

“I’ll be there.”

The timer on the stove buzzed, and Krissy grabbed an oven mitt. “Dinner is served.” She placed the baking sheet on the stovetop.

They each grabbed a plate from the countertop. Ella gave Cami a friendly bump with her shoulder, and Cami swatted Ella in the rear with her plate. Cami rested her head on Ella while Krissy retrieved her shells.

“I really am going to miss you,” Cami said to make sure Ella understood that just because she wasn’t as forth coming with her feelings like Krissy, didn’t mean she’d miss her any less.

“I know,” she said. “But you two need to promise me while I’m gone, you will still have Taco Tuesday and you’ll FaceTime me.”

Krissy glanced at Cami and smiled. “Of course,” she said, but Cami knew exactly what Krissy was thinking. While they would continue the tradition, it definitely would not be the same without Ella.

Chapter 7

It had been one of those days where it was an endless flow of customers, and Enzo was ready to go home, grab a beer, and watch the new documentary on World War I he had recorded. Having something to look forward to helped make the day pass. Though as busy as he was, he couldn’t keep his mind from drifting to the newly dyed redhead down the boardwalk.

Like a damn fool, he’d woken up too early and headed to the beach, hoping he’d see her again. It was downright ridiculous. He’d seen Cami multiple times a week for years and never thought twice about it.

All these years he’d been looking at her with blinders on, and now that he allowed his mind to contemplate the possibility of them together, all he could think about was her. The gold flecks in her brown eyes, the slight tilt of her head when she was determined, and the way her lip curled when she was amused. All of these things attracted him to Cami, but he had trained his mind to ignore any feelings for her years ago, always putting her well-being to the forefront instead. He’d never given it a second thought until his libido betrayed him and he checked out her ass. Now he didn’t know what to do.

He should ask her out, but the idea gave him pause. Not only was Cami his baby sister’s best friend, and God only knew how Ella would react, but she was also direct, stubborn, a social butterfly who was known to love a night on the town, and everything Enzo wasn’t. Hell, he was looking forward to going home to watch a historical documentary. He wasn’t even sure if Cami knew what the cause of World War I was.

How could they have a future together if they had nothing in common? And what was the point in pursuing her if forever wasn’t a possibility? Enzo was thirty-one and he thought he’d be settled with a family by now. He didn’t want to date just to date. He wanted someone to love and grow old with him. A soulmate to sit with him on the porch in forty years and watch their grandchildren run around their yard.

With a sigh, he got back to work. He cleared an outside table and wiped it down before heading back inside. He greeted a few people who were debating on whether to sit in or outside. They smiled as they finally decided on one of the shaded patio tables.

Most people sat outside, since indoors were really more for the locals in the winter months. Still, the interior did hold its charm even if it was completely outdated. For Enzo, it was memories. The lobster wallpaper was put there by his grandmother and was a symbol of his childhood. He couldn’t imagine walking in here and not seeing the faded paper, the rundown booths, and the bar that he’d spent a majority of his life behind.

Come late fall he’d have no choice. When Ella came home from California, she would start making plans to redo the entire place, and he and Grandpa were giving her free reign. He almost didn’t want to know what she was going to do. It was better to wait until everything was done and then see it all at once. Fast and easy, like ripping off a Band-Aid.

They’d have to close for a couple weeks, and it was why Enzo had put it off until after the busy season, volunteering his house as Ella’s first project. He honestly thought she’d be done by now, but he had been a bit resistant to all of her suggestions. Cami had been right, he wasn’t a fan of change, and having someone redo his entire home was a big step for him.

He only hoped giving Ella the power to take control would move things along. He didn’t want her flying off to California before she finished.

The door opened, and Enzo nodded to his brother. Marco walked into the restaurant like he did with everything in life: smooth, confident, and slightly arrogant. He nodded back and slid onto a barstool.

By the strange look on Marco’s face, Enzo didn’t even bother to ask if he wanted a beer. He popped the top and handed Marco the bottle. Marco accepted it and took a swig.

“You and Aubrey have a fight?” he asked, ready to give advice whether it was desired or not.

Marco put the bottle down, eyebrows curving toward the bridge of his nose. “No. We’re doing great actually. I feel like we got all our fighting out of our system over the years and now we’re just enjoying each other.”

“Good,” Enzo said. All he cared about was that his brother was happy, even if it proved that Marco had grown up and didn’t need him anymore. “Then what’s going on? You have that look on your face like you’re either pissed off or overthinking something.”

“Okay.” Marco rested his hands. “I was wondering if you’d be my best man?” Marco asked, and Enzo’s heart constricted. After their father had gone to jail, and though they were only a few years apart, Enzo had felt like he’d gone from big brother to father figure for Marco. He knew Marco loved him and appreciated him, but for Marco to want Enzo to be the man standing beside him as he married the love of his life? That meant the world to Enzo.

“Of course I will.”

Marco stood, and Enzo came out from behind the bar. They each went in for a hug and held tight, patting each other on the backs before pulling apart.

Enzo was beyond thrilled for his brother and Aubrey. The girl who’d made mistakes and broke his little brother’s heart one too many times had grown up and become her own woman. There wasn’t anyone in the world Enzo could picture as a more perfect match for Marco.

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