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“Things, Cami? Seriously?”

Cami shrugged. Whatever that maternal instinct was that woman spoke about, Cami didn’t seem to possess it. Having children was never a priority for her, and she didn’t think that would change. She barely had time for herself, let alone time to grow and nurture a human.

“I can’t wait for the day you meet that special someone and the part of your brain with compassion finally clicks on.”

“Hey! I have compassion. Just because I’m not a fan of children doesn’t mean I’m a bad person.”

“Doesn’t mean you’re a good person either.” Krissy winked at her. “Just saying,” she sing-songed.

For a guy to be able to flip the switch, he’d have to be more than special; he’d have to be pretty damn amazing. She had no idea why she immediately thought of Enzo. Or why the thought didn’t scare her, but instead, caused a warm fuzzy feeling to rush through her.

Enzo would make a great father and Cami was surprised he didn’t already have kids. Maybe he was waiting to meet that special someone. An unexpected stab of jealousy attacked her at the thought of Enzo happy and in love with someone else.

She had no idea what that was about. Enzo was Enzo and while she didn’t need to go off and have babies with him, she wouldn’t mind a roll between the sheets with him. What the hell was she thinking? This was Enzo, Ella’s older, overprotective, overbearing, older brother. Mr. Old Man Buzzkill himself. It didn’t matter how good looking he was. If his reserved personality was anything to go by, he’d be boring in bed.

Or maybe, he’d be the total opposite. Maybe Enzo Moretti had a bit of a freaky side and would know a million and one ways to make her cry out his name.

The thought caused her skin to heat, and she took a massive gulp of her freshly poured margarita before pouring a glass for Krissy. She put her glass down and glanced around the counter, needing a distraction from the X-rated thoughts running through her mind.

She began to check everything off. The avocados were sliced, the tomatoes were diced and Krissy was currently shredding cheese. “Did you preheat the oven?” Cami asked.

Krissy glared at her. “You seriously ask me that every Tuesday.”

“Well, did you?”

“Yes!” Krissy picked up Cami’s margarita glass and shoved it at her. “Go drink over there.” She shooed Cami away with a gesture of her hand.

Cami stuck her nose up, spun on her heel, and sauntered over to the table. “Suit yourself.” Cami took a sip of her margarita, trying to drink away thoughts of Enzo stripping her naked, but the visions were more delicious than the drink.

The front door opened and closed. Ella’s voice floated through the house. “Sorry I’m late,” she said as she rushed into the kitchen, her brown hair bouncing in its ponytail. “Aubrey couldn’t make it. She said definitely next time.” Aubrey was Ella’s soon to be sister-in-law. Once she and Marco set a date, she’d easily fit into their trio, making it a quartet. Ella dropped her bag and took a deep breath. “What’d I miss?”

“Only Cami asking me if I preheated the oven,” Krissy said, and Ella laughed.

“So basically, a typical Taco Tuesday so far.”

“Yup!” Krissy declared.

“What took you so long?” Cami asked. “Having a quickie with Lucas?” Her mind was currently in the gutter, and she’d be happy if at least one of them was getting lucky.

“I wish,” Ella said. “I was picking out more paint colors for Enzo’s place.”

Cami ignored the flutter in her stomach from hearing Enzo’s name. “Enzo still driving you nuts, huh? I surely thought he’d ease up after I told him he was being a pain in the ass.”

“You did?” Ella exclaimed.

“The other day he told me he was preparing you to deal with difficult customers. I called bullshit.”

“I wonder if that’s why he’s giving me more control over the decisions. He’s actually letting me pick the paint color without him. He did give me rules, no purple or pink, but other than that I have free reign.”

“Well, hallelujah,” Cami said. “It’s about time he eases up and lets you actually use your God given talent.”

Ella was a master at interior decorating and had helped Cami when she first moved into her town house. Along with Krissy’s eclectic kitchen that perfectly captured her personality, and the soft subtle tones for Cami’s place, Ella knew exactly what she was doing, and Cami was thrilled Enzo was finally going to let her show that off. She was also oddly proud of him for stepping back from the decision process.

“That’s what took me so long, though. He’s trusting me so I want to make sure I get it right, you know?”

If Ella would just get the confidence to embrace it. Though, Cami understood self-doubt better than anyone. She might not have worn it on her sleeve like Ella, but it dwelled deep inside her. She was just good at keeping it hidden.

“I don’t understand,” Krissy said. “Enzo agreed to let you redo the place. So why is he being a pain in the ass about it?”

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