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“I’m going to fix it.”

“How you plan on doing that?

Unfortunately, he couldn’t change the past. He made a mistake and now he would fix it. He couldn’t imagine a life without Ella Moretti by his side.

“By taking care of something that should’ve been done a long time ago, and then apologize to Ella. I’ll beg for her forgiveness if I have to.”

“Beg?” Frank said. “Sounds serious.”

“It is,” Lucas said. “I didn’t just ignore your advice. I went ahead and fell in love with a Moretti.”

“Then we best get you on your way,” Frank said, hitting the accelerator and cutting across traffic to the left lane where he drove sixty-five the entire way.

Chapter 25

Ella sat in the small office with Enzo, discussing her plans, a budget, and a timeframe.

“I think we can both agree that it’s bad timing. Our busy season is days away, and we can’t close our doors for an extended period of time. The winter will be better, plus we’ll have the summer income to be able to afford your rates,” Enzo said with a smirk.

“I gave you the family discount,” she countered. Disappointment settled in her stomach. She had been so gung-ho to get started, declare herself a real interior designer and business woman, bury herself in work so she wouldn’t have to think about Lucas. She would have to wait now and find another way to get Lucas off her mind. “I agree the timing isn’t good.”

“But,” Enzo said, capturing her full attention.

“That sounds like a good ‘but,’ but it could be a bad ‘but.’”

He laughed. “Since it’s the busy season and I’ll be spending most of my time here, I thought you could get started on my place.”

Ella’s eyes widened, and her mouth lifted in pure excitement. “Really? I don’t have to wait to the fall?” Colors, furniture, and accessories started to appear in her head, shifting in different places to form the perfect space.

“No, the timing would have been off then, too,” Enzo said. “You can get started next week when our hours get extended.”

“But won’t you need me here?”

“Grandpa and I discussed it, and we decided it’s not fair for you to be stuck here working.”

“I’m not stuck,” she said.

“Ella, when you came home, it was supposed to be temporary. You weren’t supposed to stay here for six years and take care of all of us. We’re adults, and I’m your older brother. I should’ve looked out for you better, but the truth is, I was happy to have you home.”

“I was happy to be home.”

Enzo sat with her words for a moment before sitting up in his chair. “We’re going to hire more people. I actually have an interview in a few minutes. So I’m really happy to tell you that you’re fired.”

“What?” Ella exclaimed. “You can’t fire me.”

“I can, and I just did. You’re meant for bigger things, baby sis. Leave the lobster rolls to me and Grandpa, okay?”

She was stunned into silence. When she’d walked through the front door earlier, this was the last thing she’d expected. She was ready to start her shift as soon as they were done here.

“I don’t know what to say,” she admitted.

“Don’t say anything, just be happy.”

“I am.” At least she wanted to be, but the spot in her heart that Lucas snaked into still hurt. “I’m trying to be.”

“I’m sorry about Lucas,” Enzo said. “About that whole mess. Your personal life is none of our business, no matter what the guy’s last name is.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that, but he’s already gone back to California so…” She shrugged.

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