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“What’s this?” Vinny asked.

Ella kept her game face on. “I have a proposition for both of you.”

Enzo glanced at Vinny then turned back to her and nodded. “Go ahead.”

“I want you to hire me to redecorate the restaurant.”

“What? That’s ridiculous,” Vinny said. “There’s nothing wrong with the restaurant.”

“It’s outdated,” Ella said.

“It’s traditional,” he countered.

“Still outdated.”

“Your grandmother decorated this place,” he said, hurt in his eyes.

Ella was expecting that response, but it still stung worse than she anticipated. Her grandmother took such pride in the framed pictures she placed on the walls and the lobster wall paper she lined the small space with. But holding onto the past was hindering all the possibilities of what the restaurant could be.

She looked to Enzo, hoping for support.

“The restaurant isn’t our focus, El, and you know that. It’s only here for the locals in the winter. We do most of our business outside. Why throw money into the interior?”

“Why not offer people more? What about when it rains? Nobody wants to sit outside on the boardwalk, but they still need to eat. Why not welcome them into this redesigned space that shows them exactly what Vinny’s Lobster Shack is all about. Show them that we’re more than a shack.” She looked her grandfather directly in his eyes. “We’re a place where traditions are formed, where little kids will look back when they’re adults and remember their summers eating the best damn lobster roll they ever had and having the time of their lives. The décor isn’t going to change that. Those traditions lie within all of us. I don’t want to take anything away, and I would never disrespect what Grandma created here, but I want to help usher in a new era. And maybe one day…” She fought the tears pressing against her lids and continued. “One day my own kids will remember this place as fondly as I do. Know that their mother created the magical space that they love so dearly, just like I will always remember this place as Grandma made it.”

She took Vinny’s hand and squeezed it. “I don’t want to do away with what makes this place special. I want to emphasize the traditions, the memories, and make this space a homage to you and the legacy you’ve created here.”

Vinny kissed Ella’s hand and squeezed it before looking at Enzo. “She makes a convincing argument.”

“She does.” Enzo nodded toward the binder. “What’s that?”

“I put together some ideas.”

“Let me see it,” Enzo said.

She handed him the binder, and he opened it, skimming through the pages. He got to the back, and his eyebrow lifted. “This doesn’t look like stuff for the restaurant.”

“No,” Ella said. “The front portion is. The back portion is my ideas for your place. You said maybe in the fall. I thought maybe we could discuss my rates.” She had originally volunteered to do it, but it was time for her to put value on herself. Lucas gave that to her and for that she’d forever be grateful.

Enzo was quiet for a moment, and she tried not to show doubt. It was her brother, but it was practice for the life she wanted to build. Silence stretched between them as he looked back down at the binder and skimmed back to the front. Finally, after what felt like hours, he closed the binder and placed it on the bar. He looked up at her and smiled.

“I’m impressed. You had a pitch, ideas to present, and you showed passion. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks.” His words meant more to her than he would ever know. “So does that mean you guys will hire me?”

Enzo looked at Vinny again, and Vinny nodded. Ella tried to maintain her professional air, but her hands couldn’t be controlled. She happily clapped before jumping off the stool and throwing her arms around Vinny. “I promise I will keep the tradition alive.

“I trust you. Now you can talk to Enzo about your rates, what you’ll need to get started, and he’ll cut you a check.”

“And,” Enzo said, “we’ll talk about my place after you’re done here. I liked what you got, but I have a few of my own ideas I’d like to throw by you. But let’s focus on the restaurant for now.”

A smile spread wide across her face. “That sounds good.”

“You’re on for noon to five tomorrow, so why don’t you get here at ten, and we’ll discuss everything.”

“I’ll be here.” She kissed Vinny’s cheek and packed her binder back into her bag.

“And El,” Enzo said and she turned to him. “I don’t know what spurred this fire in you but whatever it was, I’m happy to see you chase your dreams again.”

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