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Chapter 16

Shock mixed with anger, and it took everything Lucas had not to grab his father by the collar and toss his ass out the door.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded.

“Is that any way to greet your father?” He was as smug as he’d always been, his white linen shirt starched and perfectly pressed, tucked neatly into his tan pants. A navy blue and red striped tie secured in a Windsor knot hung from his neck.

“I could think of a few more colorful things to say if you prefer.”

His father slipped out of his sports coat and draped it over his arm. “I see you haven’t learned any manners since the last time we spoke.”

“The last time we spoke I made it perfectly clear I never wanted to see you again.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“So why the hell are you here?”

“It’s funny. I was speaking with your mother, and she mentioned your little trip.”

“And what? You thought you’d come here, and we could have a happy family reunion? Sorry to have wasted your time, but I have nothing to say to you.”

“Maybe you don’t, but I’m sure my father has plenty.”

“And after twenty-six years you suddenly care what he has to say?”

“What can I say? I’ve had a change of heart.”

Lucas’ lip curled. “You’re so full of shit it’s practically coming out of your ears.” Lucas ran a hand across his neck, trying to work out the growing tension. No matter how much or how hard he rubbed it didn’t help. “Why don’t you tell me why you’re really here?” He met his father’s eyes, years of anger and resentment building inside him. “Better yet. I don’t give a shit. Why don’t you just leave? You’re not welcome here anyway.”

Hot fury burned Lucas’ blood, he could practically feel it boiling beneath the surface. The last thing he wanted was to subject Ella to him. He needed to get his father out of this house before she awoke and before Joe came home.

There was no way his father had a change of heart. The man didn’t have a heart. He was a calculated man who only did things that benefited himself. He had an angle, and Lucas needed to figure it out before he got caught in the crosshairs.

He was about to demand he leave again when he heard soft footsteps on the stairs. He wanted to run, scoop Ella up in his arms, and bring her back to the room, lock the door and make sure she stayed there until he figured this out.

But she was at the landing before he could get his feet to move. She came to the bottom, dressed in only his t-shirt, hair ruffled from his hands. “Lucas?” she said and came around the bend, stopping short as she took in his father.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. Shock filled her eyes and slashed across her features. “I didn’t know you were expecting company.”

“I wasn’t,” he growled.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to the young lady?” his father said, and it took more self-control than Lucas knew he possessed not to jump in front of her and hide her from him.

He turned to Ella, gaze filled with curiosity.

“Ella, this is my father.”


Those were the last words Ella ever expected to hear come out of Lucas’ mouth, and by the angry set of his jaw, this visit wasn’t planned. She wanted to reach out and take Lucas’ hand, squeeze it for reassurance, but he was a wall of stone.

“Mr. Prescott,” she said, walking toward him and holding out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

The older gentleman that Lucas clearly got his looks from stared down at her hand and smirked. “Maybe you should go put some pants on.”

Ella looked down at her bare legs, embarrassment spreading through her. She yanked at her hem and backed away. “Good idea.”

“No,” Lucas said, turning to his father. “You’re not staying.”

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