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“Yup, you don’t micromanage one bit,” Ella said, dipping a glass into salt to coat the rims.

Cami turned her attention to Ella. “A really cute guy stopped at the coffee shop the other day.” She started helping Krissy with the food and licked a bit of sour cream off the tip of her finger.

“New meat in Willow Cove and tourist season isn’t even in full gear yet. Maybe it’s an omen for what’s to come. So what was he like?” Krissy asked. “Or should I say how cute was he? I need details.”

Cami swung her gaze back to Ella before answering. “Beautiful blue eyes, dark blond hair, tall with a nice build.”

Ella’s eyes widened, but she quickly recovered. Lucas was currently staying in Willow Cove. Of course he’d come in contact with other people, her friends included. And how could she forget that he brought her coffee. “Oh,” Ella said, taking a sip of her margarita.

“Funny thing,” Cami said. “He ordered two coffees. One iced black and the other… a dash of half and half with a sprinkle of cinnamon.”

“Hey, that’s your drink.” Krissy said, putting down the plate of shredded chicken in the middle of the table.

“Uh huh,” Cami said. “Exact same drink. And do you want to know another funny coincidence?”

Ella took a much more generous sip of her margarita. She didn’t even think to tell Lucas to avoid The Local Bean. Of course Cami would be there, she never left, and of course she would put two and two together, it’s what she did. “What’s that?” Ella said, trying to keep her voice void of emotion.

“He asked me for directions to the beach by the lighthouse.”


“That’s your favorite place,” Krissy said. She grabbed a taco shell and started to fill it when she froze mid salsa scoop and gasped. “Ella Moretti, you little floozy.”

“Floozy?” Cami asked. “Are we ninety?”

“It’s not like I was going to call her a slut.”

“Why not?” Cami asked.

“Because that’s rude. Whatever. We have bigger issues here. Like who is this mystery blue-eyed hottie and why have you been keeping him a secret?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ella said, reaching for a taco shell.

Cami smacked her hand, causing her to drop the shell.

“Hey!” Ella exclaimed.

“You can get the shell after you give us answers.”

Ella rolled her eyes and reclined in her seat. “Only because I’m starving and haven’t eaten a thing since breakfast. His name is Lucas.”

Cami and Krissy both cheered. Krissy rested her elbow on the table and her chin on her hand. “Lucas,” she said. “He sounds cute.”

“Heiscute,” Cami countered. “But we know that. What we don’t know is what brings him to Willow Cove. Business?”

“Sort of,” Ella said, not sure if she was ready to admit she was going against everything her family held dear by spending time with their sworn enemy.

“Sort of?” Cami said. “What the hell does that mean?”

“He’s helping his grandfather with his business.”

“Oh, who’s his grandfather? I bet we can learn a lot about him with that little bit of information,” Krissy said. “So who is it? Frank? Mr. Olivier?”

Ella took a breath and let it out slowly. “Joe Prescott,” she said, reaching for her margarita and then the pitcher. She had a feeling she was going to need a lot more to get her through the rest of the night.

“Joe Prescott!” Krissy exclaimed.

“His grandson?” Cami added. “You do realize that your grandfathers are enemies, right? It would probably kill your grandfather if he found out you were dating a Prescott.”

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