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He took in the water and the sky, both extending infinitely into the horizon. The smell of salt hung in the air and a cool breeze caused his shirt to ripple across his chest. It was a little warmer than the night before, so he decided to leave his jacket behind. He hoped his California warm-blooded self wouldn’t regret it.

He shifted his gaze toward the white lighthouse with a red top. It stood proudly over the water and its attached station—a white structure with red accents to match.

“You found me,” Ella said and he turned to her voice.

She stood behind him, wind blowing her hair, her cheeks rosy from the slight chill and a smile on her face. She gazed out toward the lighthouse before catching his eyes.

“Is one of those for me?” she asked, pointing to the cups.

“Yes.” He handed her the coffee, and she accepted it gratefully, bringing it to her nose and taking a deep inhale. “You know, I usually don’t drink coffee after five.”

“What happens when you do?” he asked.

“Can’t sleep.”

He smiled. “I’ll keep you company.”

“I can’t stay out too late or my grandfather will have the whole town looking for me.”

“Why don’t I doubt that?”

She poked his arm. “I’m guessing you’re a fast learner.” She spun away from him and walked down the beach. He followed. “So,” she said, coming to a stop and spinning back to him, “you got me here on this coffee date. What’s the plan?”

“I don’t have one. I just wanted to see you again.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Does that line work on all the girls?”

“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never used it on anyone else before.”

Her teeth slid over her lip, the edges of her mouth pulling free and curving upward. “I’m going to take that as a compliment because I don’t think you’re lying.”

“I’m not, but even if I was, how would you know?” he asked, curious to see how her mind worked.

“I’ve been lied to a lot in my life. Eventually you pick up on things. Tell signs that give a person away almost instantly. You, my friend, are free of those signs.” She patted his chest, and he placed his hand on hers, trapping it against him.

She sucked in a startled breath, raising her gaze to his.

“I’ve been lied to a lot, too,” he said. “Mainly by my own father.”

“Mine too.” Her words were a mere whisper that he could just make out over the crashing waves. Hurt etched her eyes; a deep sadness dulled her beautiful brown irises.

He didn’t say anything else, but he felt like he didn’t have to. The exchange in their eyes said enough—an unspoken agreement to never lie to each other. He had no idea where this was going, but he could honor that vow for however long she wanted him around.

A strand of hair broke free of her ponytail and danced across her face. Unable to help himself, he reached out, tucking it back into place. His hand lingered for a moment, wondering what it would be like to cup her cheek and pull her in for a kiss. Would she taste like her coffee? Sweet with a little touch of spice? Would she take control or surrender to him?

Above a seagull squawked, and Ella turned her attention out to the water. “Want to walk?” she asked.


She headed toward the lighthouse, and he fell in step beside her. “This is my favorite place in the whole town so you should feel special that I’m sharing it with you.”

“What can I say? I feel honored. What makes this place your favorite? I mean there’s an ice cream stand that looks like an actual cup of ice cream that’s pretty darn special.”

Ella laughed. “Don’t poke fun. My best friend actually owns Scoops.”


She nodded. “Yup.”

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