Page 25 of Little Nightmare

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The name feels heavy in my chest, solid, like it’s welded to my soul.

I finally push off the wall, turning off the water and stepping out of the shower. But that image stays with me, that reminder of my girl's name on me, and my name on her. We’re branded now, both of us.

My little nightmare and me.

My body still hums with the aftershock of release, but the tension hasn’t left. It clings to me like the steam in the air, thick and unrelenting. I wipe myself down, dragging the thick cotton fabric across my skin, rough and quick.

I use the towel and scrub it across my chest and arms, wiping away the steam and heat from the shower. My mind flips between two things—Cara, and the rage gnawing at me like a wildfire for revenge. It takes everything in me not to drive straight to Demarko, hunt him down, and tear him apart piece by piece. But that’s not the plan. The boss wants intel, and I’ve got orders to follow.

Quick in, quick out. No bodies, no mess.

Cara’s starting to break, starting to trust me in ways she doesn’t even realize yet. But I can’t focus on that, not fully, not until I settle this shit. How can I claim her the way I want to, mold her into what she’s meant to be,mine, when that bastard is still out there, walking free like he didn’t take everything from me?

I pull on a pair of black boxers, my movements sharp and jerky, adrenaline already starting to crawl beneath my skin. Then, my jeans, tight against my legs, grounding me just enough. I hate the thought of bringing her anywhere near him or his men. Giving them the opportunity to take her from me theway they took my father. But leaving her behind means risking her running.

She has to come with me. At least this way, I can keep her exactly where I want her: close, and under my control.

I tug a black T-shirt over my head, my muscles tensing beneath the fabric. I’m bringing her into a world she has no business being in. It’s dangerous, bloody, and there’s no room for error. But she’ll do as she’s told because she knows I won’t hesitate to remind her who’s in charge.

The second I enter the kitchen, my eyes fall on her. She’s sitting at the table with her wrist cuffed to the wooden leg, reading some book with monsters on the cover, completely oblivious to the fact that her world is about to get a lot darker.

My world.

I stalk toward her, my boots heavy against the old wooden floor, and her head snaps up. Those wide, innocent doe eyes lock on me, her pouty lips parting in confusion. “Rhett?”

My girl blinks at me like I’m an intruder, and it pisses me off more than it should. I lean against the table, towering over her. “I need you to get dressed. We’re leaving.” My voice comes out rough, sharp.

Her gaze falters. “Leaving? For what?” She hasn’t left the house since the night I chased her home. Since the night I made her understand just how mine she really fucking is.

“I have work to take care of.” I watch the way her throat bobs as she swallows. “And you’re coming with me.”

The color drains from her face as she realizes I’m not asking. She hesitates, lips pressing together. “What kind of work, Rhett?”

I lean in closer, my voice dropping to a low, menacing growl. “The kind where people end up dead if you’re not careful. The kind where you shut the fuck up and do what I tell you, little nightmare, or I’ll punish you again.”

Fear flickers in her eyes, and I almost enjoy it. But this time I know the fear isn’t of me. She’s afraid of what we’re walking into.Good. She should be.

At least this fear will keep her from doing anything stupid.

I like her scared. It makes her obedient, and while this fear she’s feeling might not be of me, it makes it that much easier to manipulate my control over her.

It makes hermine.

“You’re not staying here,” I continue, my fingers brushing her jaw, forcing her to look at me. “I can’t trust you not to run. And I won’t fucking lose you to anyone. Not tonight. Not ever.”

She nods quickly, eyes wide, but I don’t miss the slight tremble in her hand as she grips the edge of the table.

“I’m running surveillance on some dangerous men,” I say, straightening up. “If you fuck this up, or try any stupid moves, we’re both dead. I’m taking a huge risk taking you to this meeting, let alone taking you out of the house. Do you understand me, little nightmare?”

She nods again, swallowing hard. “I won’t mess up, Rhett. I promise.”

I narrow my gaze, my voice turning ice-cold. “You better not. Because tonight, you’re in my world. And in my world, people like you don’t get second chances.”

She doesn’t respond, just stares at me with that wide-eyed nervous look, like she’s waiting for me to do something worse than I already have. I run my thumb along her bottom lip, my grip tightening around her chin. “You do exactly what I say, or I’ll make sure I punish you when we get back.”

Her breath hitches, and I see the submission creeping into her eyes along with lust for the punishments she’s learned to enjoy, despite what she tells me.

Part of me wonders if drugging her might be easier. I could knock her out for a few hours and leave her cuffed to her bedagain, but I know I won’t be able to focus on Demarko or the intel if I’m worried about her. Bringing her is a big risk, but even I have to admit my little nightmare is learning. Slowly, but she’s learning who is in control.

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