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“Alright, see ya’.”

Eager to get home to Ruby, I hurried back, pine needles crunching under my boots as I walked to the house. But when I arrived, the house was too quiet, lacking her feisty presence.

“Ruby?” I called out.

No answer. An alarm spiked through me. In the kitchen, I found Davy in a hard hat, sipping a soda. “Have you seen Ruby?”

He shook his head. “Nope, I haven’t seen her come in. Thought she was with you.”

Rufus strode in, his face pinched with worry. “She was going for a walk alone earlier. Now I can’t find her anywhere.”

“Fuck!” I snarled, already dialing Jasper.

“Didn’t we just talk?” he answered.

“Have you seen Ruby?” I barked.

“No, I thought she was with you,” he said, voice cool as ice, but I could hear how pissed he was.

I ended the call, fuming as I paced the kitchen.

I had to find her.Now.

Shoving past Rufus and Davy, I ran outside, ripping my clothes off as I shifted. Fur rippled over my skin, bones cracking and realigning.

Her scent. I needed her scent.

I landed on four paws and bolted, powerful haunches propelling me over the terrain as I flew up and down the streets, desperately seeking hints of sweet cotton candy in the wind.

Another wolf fell into pace beside me, all sleek grace and pale fur- Jasper. I didn’t have time to argue with him and kick him out. Finding my omega was all that mattered. Ruby was out there somewhere, alone and vulnerable.

The thought made me run faster, a lone howl tearing from my throat, and Jasper followed suit. Two more wolves flanked us, and I knew it to be Davy and Rufus joining. As a pack, we needed to find her. Then, we needed to claim her as ours once and for all.


My eyes fluttered open,and a rush of confusion washed over me.

I was lying on a bed of soft petals that cradled my pregnant body, sore and heavy from the weight of my unborn child. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks – I was in the middle of aforest surrounded by trees. Looking to my right, I saw a small cabin that had boarded-up windows.

What the hell was going on?

“Good evening, Ruby,” a male voice purred, causing my heart to leap into my throat.

My gaze snapped upward, and horror seized me as I saw Marrok Bloodthorne sitting in a picnic chair as if he’d been waiting for me to wake up.

“Stay away from me!” I screamed, trying to crawl away, but my pregnant belly made it impossible. I felt sluggish as if I’d been drugged with some gas. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Marrok’s wide grin. His hair was cropped short and slicked back, and the golden glow of his eyes seemed to burn with intensity for me.

“Don’t run now,” he said calmly.

“Wh-why am I here?” I stammered, my breath hitching in terror.

“Ah, my love. I’ve been searching for you,” Marrok explained, his voice laced with a disturbing charm. “I’ve been following you, but you’ve always been with your pack.” He sighed theatrically. “And now, you’re pregnant. Such a shame.”

“I have a pack, you know,” I insisted, clenching my fists and realizing now that I’d been kidnapped. “And they’re definitely going to come looking for me, you asshole.”

“Will they, though?” Marrok raised an eyebrow, a sinister smile gracing his lips. “They haven’t even marked you. Do you really want to be with alphas who truly don’t want you? An alpha knows what’s his right away.”

My heart ached at his words, the truth stinging me like salt in a wound. Wayne hadn’t marked me or said he loved me.

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