Page 77 of Maid for The Alphas

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Suddenly getting the urge to claim her, I bit down on her soft, delicious skin. Her warm blood tasted sweet on my tongue.

“Zaff!” she cried out. “What are you doing?”

Chapter Thirty


Asurge of the most electrifying orgasm overcame me after Zaff marked me. I could barely speak as I shook and trembled beneath him. Waves of potent desire shot through me to the core as he knotted and marked me at the same time.

Was this what omegas felt after an alpha claimed them?

I didn’t want the feeling to end. Warmth spread from the site of the mark and all the way down to my trembling pussy.

“You’re mine,” growled Zaff in my ear when I came down from my climax. He kissed me hard on the lips, and I didn’t realize how much I missed him until now.

“The pain,” I said, realizing how it dulled with his cock deep inside of me, held in place by the bulbous knot at the base. “It’s going away.”

“I’m glad,” said Zaff, kissing my neck furiously and unable to get enough of me. “But it’ll be back soon after my knot’s down.”

“Why did you mark me?” I asked after we kissed some more. “Is it because I’m an omega now?”

“I knew you were mine before you presented as an omega,” he said, looking into my eyes.

I didn’t break eye contact, keen to see if he was telling the truth. Because why would he have wanted a beta in the past? He left me when I told him what I was.

“The night you left me felt like a stab in the heart,” I said. “I felt strongly for you like nothing I ever felt before. Yes, I lied, but it was to protect my aunt.”

“I know that now,” he said as our hearts beat together as one. He rested his chin against my shoulder. “I acted poorly, and that will never happen again. I promise you, Breanna.”

“Alright then,” I said cynically, but I also felt like we were in our own bubble of love right now. After he marked me, I felt like he was mine. My protector and my alpha. There was no going back for either of us now. “Why did I present as an omega so late?”

“I’m not sure,” said Zaff thoughtfully. I heard that it could be stress-induced for late bloomers. Or you haven’t been around enough alphas once you hit puberty. You needed to be around alpha pheromones to set off your heat.”

“That sounds about right,” I said, thinking about it. Half my life was stressful living with my father, and then I met the alphas who made me feel comfortable and protected. I didn’t get too long to ruminate on that thought before his pack interjected.

“We need to leave,” said Oscar at the door. “Henry will be alerted soon about this new omega. You know how he plays with new omegas.”

“Fuck,” growled Zaff. “I’ll carry her to the car. Chad, cover her up with a blanket. We don’t want anyone else seeing her.”

“Are we in danger if we stay here?” I asked, confused. I had only lived here as a child, but I never felt like I was in danger as a beta, except from my father.

“Henry likes to reward his favorite packs with omegas andwill occasionally swap out omegas between packs,” explained Zaff. “We need to move.”

Zaff picked me up, and I tightened my legs around his waist while Chad wrapped a blanket around both of us to cover our bare bodies. Soon, we were all rushing to the car under the cover of darkness. The owls hooting in the trees made me jump, but Zaff gently rubbed my back, soothing me.

It was all a blur until we all settled into the black van that had tinted windows. I had never been in such a big car like this, and it was very spacious in the back.

I was sitting on Zaff’s lap, face forward with my knees on either side of his waist while his knot was snuggled deep inside me.

He shut the door, leaving us in darkness while Oscar got in beside us. Chad was driving, and Ruston sat on the passenger side, adjusting the volume of the music they had playing.

“Well, this is cozy,” I said, smiling against Zaff’s hairy chest.

“Doesn’t this remind you of the time I knotted you in my car?”

“You mean in the middle of nowhere?” I teased.

“Doesn’t that turn you on? A big monster alpha with an appetite for his little beta,” he asked, and I giggled, my face burning. If he could see me in the dark, my face would be bright red right now. Being around Zaff made me giddy, and when he talked naughty to me, it set me on fire in all the places.

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