Page 61 of Maid for The Alphas

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“What’s wrong with you guys?” I asked, plopping onto the couch and rubbing my forehead in agitation.

“It sucks when she leaves,” said Chad.

“Tell me about it,” I said, also feeling empty without her. I had never felt this attached to anyone, and it was starting to worry me. “I couldn’t find any information about her online.”

“Why does it matter?” asked Ruston.

“It matters because she could be lying about who she is,” I said.

“Unless she’s really an omega,” suggested Oscar. “And really good at hiding her scent.”

“No, that’s just wishful thinking,” I said. “I don’t think it’s worth it for us as a pack to get too involved with her.”

“What the fuck do you mean?” asked Chad.

“She’s clearly lying about who she is,” I said.

“You’re scared of getting attached like usual, so you sabotage it,” said Ruston, setting down the game controller. “Just let it happen.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. Breanna was everything to me right now, but I was too invested in her while she was lying to me. Pulling my phone out, I stared at her name in my contact list.

“Don’t do it,” growled Oscar, watching me.

“I’m sorry, guys,” I said. “I need to do it before it’s too late, and we’re all bonded to her forever. Hopefully, she can forgive us over time.”

My entire pack was watching me, knowing they couldn’t stop me as I was the pack leader. It felt like a dagger to the heart, and I knew they were all feeling the same thing. Our hearts were one as a pack and a collective. When one alpha felt strongly about someone, we all felt it.

“Fuck it,” I said, typing out the text message. I couldn’t tell her the contract was over in person. It would be too fucking painful.


“You burnt the rice,”I complained, trying to separate the burnt pieces from the rest on my dinner plate.

“Just eat it,” Aunt Julie said nonchalantly as she scooped up a hefty amount and put it in her mouth like there was nothing wrong with it. “It’s extra flavor.”

Instead, I ate the chicken quarter, annoyed that my aunt wouldn’t let me buy food for the fourth day in a row. She was all about saving money, even though I brought in a whole lot more than usual.

“Do you ever feel lonely without a pack?” I asked her out of the blue, and her face twisted in disgust.

“Nope, I’m busy raising you,” she said.

“I’m not a child anymore, so you should really look into it,” I said. “I can’t imagine since you’re an omega and all.”

“There are no good alphas here,” she said. “They are on Howl’s Edge Island, where we originally came from. The ones here are a bunch of crooks who worked for Henry.”

“Then we should go one day,” I suggested, and she looked at me thoughtfully.

“If we could somehow scoop my sister out of here, I would do it in a heartbeat.”

Suddenly, my phone dinged, and I looked down at it and saw a text from Zaff. Oh, he was probably missing me already, I thought, smiling.

But when I opened the text message, my heart began to sink:

Good evening, Breanna. Something came up recently after you left, and I wanted to let you know that the contract is void now. You are free to live however you see fit, but we are no longer needing your assistance. I appreciate all your hard work, and it was great meeting you.

I hadto take a moment to process this.

“What’s wrong?” my aunt asked.

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