Page 46 of Maid for The Alphas

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“Fuck the agreement,” I said, grabbing my phone and purse. I felt like I was losing control in this moment. I couldn’t control my emotions rising to the surface, and I had no idea why.

I stomped out of the room, still breathing hard like I ran a whole mile. Adrenaline was shooting through me as I thought about how stupid I must have been. The alphas just needed someone to knot, and I had let my horniness block me from seeing the truth.

“I’ll give you a ride,” said Zaff as I continued to walk out the front door. “Please, Breanna, just let me give you a ride home.”

I looked around for the limo. “Where’s Jeff?”

“He’s off today since it’s a Saturday,” he said. “I can simply drop you off at home, Breanna. We’ll give you space, I promise. I’ll only knot you when you want it.”

“Well, it’s not happening again,” I said, turning to face him. I tried not to stare at his muscular arms under the shining sun. I had never seen him without a suit on, and seeing him in a sleeveless shirt with black sweatpants made all the butterflies tingle in my belly.

“Get in the car then,” he said, opening the passenger side door for the biggest car sitting in the driveway. I pursed my lips, not sure what to do.

If I got in, it would show that I was once again weak to his charms. But it would also make my life easier, instead of struggling with buses.

I hesitated and eventually got into the car, knowing this alpha wasn’t going to easily drop it. I closed the door, and he switched on the air conditioner and a rock song on low volume.

He quietly pulled out of the driveway, and I pulled my seat belt on awkwardly, knowing that he was hyper-aware of every move I made. I let out a long, silent breath, trying to calm mynerves. Being around an alpha was like being around a drug. Just being in his vicinity made my pussy ache, and my breaths came faster.

While he drove, I was aware of how hard I was breathing and how my breasts heaved with awareness. My skin ached for his touch again. Sitting on his lap this morning had teased me to no end, and sleeping all night with Oscar’s finger inside of me didn’t help. Throughout the night, I’d try to hump Oscar’s finger for relief, but I would hear his quiet chuckle in my ear as he kept his thick finger still inside my pussy.

Suddenly, Zaff pulled into a random lot surrounded by a neck of woods. The lot was empty, with no other cars around, and I was starting to become a little nervous.

“What are you doing?” I asked nervously.

He had parked with intent, turning to face me.

“I need to talk to you about something,” he said in a stern voice. My pulse raced, and my heavy breathing escalated. I had no idea what he wanted to talk about, and I started to regret being rude earlier. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to be with them or not.


“Oscar told me that you were looking for a bus in the middle of the night, and some guy tried to attack you?”


“Uh, yeah,” I said, not sure where he was going with this, but I knew alphas loved to be in control at all times.

“That scares me,” he said, looking at me dead in the eye. I wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not because nothing scared an alpha.


“The thought of losing you like that scares the fuck out of me,” he said, and I was surprised he was saying this so early in our weird type of relationship that I had no clue what was happening with. “Why did you feel the need to leave my homein the dead of night without my protection? Why didn’t you wake me up if you wanted to go home so badly?”

I sighed.

“I didn’t want to burden you with anything,” I said quietly. “You’re not obligated to do anything for me.”

The car was quiet for a few minutes except for the hum of the air conditioner and the birds chirping outside.

“I want to be there for you,” he said at last. “I want you to wake me up when something goes wrong. I want you to tell me everything. Your fears and your worries.”

Then suddenly, he pulled out a rectangular box from the back of his jeans pocket, and I scrunched my eyebrows, confused.

He popped the box open, and I saw an amethyst bracelet studded with gold.

“Oh,” I said in shock as he carefully lifted the bracelet, which shined in the sun.

“I want to officially ask if you’d like to be my girlfriend,” he said, studying my expression.

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