Page 72 of Freed By The Pack

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“Moreplease,”Isaid.I was lying across Sergio’s lap as we watched a movie in his house. Ian handed me the bowl of candy, and I grabbed the sour gummies. I had craved it really badly throughout my pregnancy.

Evan and Sergio ate from the bowl of popcorn while I chewed on the deliciousness of the sour candy while watching the screen. I had finally agreed to watch their favorite Alpha Wars movie, even though I was bored half to death. But any time spent with the pack was wonderful to me. I enjoyed hanging out with them regardless of whether it was for a quick knotting, shopping, or dates.

“Looks like it’s time,” said Sergio, pausing the movie. “We need to get you back home before Caleb starts to worry.”

“It’s fine,” I huffed. “He said it was fine for me to even live here.”

“I don’t want to lose his trust,” said Sergio with finality in his tone.

“You just want to get rid of me,” I whined, but he leaned down, kissing me hard on the lips.

“That’s the last thing I want to do,” he said, rubbing my tiny pregnant belly. “But I don’t want to force you to stay or get the ire of your family on me.”

“Aren’t we going to knot one last time before you take me home?” I said, looking at the clock. It was only six p.m.

“Not tonight,” said Sergio shortly, and I looked at him in surprise. He was never like this. And it felt like he was in a hurry to get rid of me.

“Oh, okay, that’s fine,” I said.

If he was going to act like this, then whatever. I would just ignore him. We had gotten into little disagreements here and there over the two months, but never like this. He was straight out refusing me, and I didn’t like it.

Because it felt like a rejection to my omega soul.

I was unprepared for what would happen once we arrived at my parents’ house.

“We’re coming inside with you,” said Caleb.

“But you never come inside,” I said, confused.

“We do sometimes,” said Ian, sounding hurt.

“Okay, that’s fine if you want to talk to my fathers,” I said nonchalantly as I stepped out of the car. As I walked towards the house, my mom greeted me at the door with a big smile.

“Hey, Libby,” she said. “Sergio! Ian and Evan, come in.”

“Hello, ma’am,” greeted Sergio, giving her a hug. My mother hugged Evan and Ian next, giving Ian a peck on the cheek. My mother had a fondness for Ian and his boyish looks. If she had a son, I’m sure she’d want someone like him.

My fathers were home from their workday, roaming around the big house. They ran the Omega dating agency, interviewing singles on who they looked for in a partner. I knew they met my mom from that, and my mom’s eyes never failed to twinkle when she told me the story each time. The house looked extra clean today, with candles lit and the fireplace on. The fire roared in the background as everyone came together, talking in the living room.

But my mom took me by the arm, “I need to talk to you.”

“Okay,” I said, following her to my room.

“Your fathers want to take you and your alphas out for dinner tonight,” she said, and I groaned.

“Is that really necessary?” I said.

“Why? Are you upset with your alphas?”

“No,” I said quickly, even though that was the true reason. “No wonder the house is suspiciously extra clean today and smelling nice.”

“Are you saying it was stinky before?” she asked, looking affronted.

“No, Mom,” I said, and she laughed.

“Anyways, I just wanted to let you know so you can put on something decent to wear,” she said, looking at my casual attire of leggings and a shirt.

“Fine, I’ll get dressed,” I said, feeling tired after watching a movie with the pack. “I’m so tired, though.”

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