Page 39 of Freed By The Pack

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“Listen to me, Olivia,” he said slowly.

I didn’t want to listen to him because I knew what he’d say.

“My family is waiting for me,” I said urgently, cutting him off. I groaned through the spasm in my belly and the slick producing from between my legs. It was a horrible type of pain that could only be relieved with a knot. “My mother misses me.”

“If we take you to your family’s house now, they will send you to the heat clinic,” explained Sergio slowly. “Because it’s too late for any heat suppressant pills.”

Suddenly, Ian and Evan came into the room, seeing me hunched over in pain while Sergio rubbed my back.

“What’s going on?” asked Evan, rushing over to me and kneeling on the ground before me. Ian sat on my other side and rubbed the top of my hand, clutching my belly.

“She’s in heat,” said Sergio. “Olivia, would you want a bunch of strangers at the heat clinic to help you? Or us?”

I gasped, drawing in breaths to try and ease my pain. It was impossible to answer his questions with a clear mind, but I knew like hell I would never let strangers touch me again.

“Fine!” I said. “Just help make the pain stop. It’s getting worse every second we talk here.”

“I will take you to our home until your heat passes,” said Sergio, scooping me up in his arms. I leaned my face into his chest, breathing in his alpha scent. His scent triggered another attack, and I whimpered as he jogged to the exit of the plane and down the steps.

All of a sudden, we were in a limo, and I only knew it from the motion of the car on the road.

“Tell him to go faster,” said Ian.

I wondered if they were talking about the driver. I imagined a big bald guy driving the limo for some reason through the haze of my pain.

“You shouldn’t have left me at the breeding camp,” I said to Sergio in a low voice. I had no idea why I was telling him this right now. “They hurt me when you left.”

“And that’s why I’ll never leave you again,” growled Sergio, rubbing my back as he held me on his lap. “I will keep you safe, Liv. You know that, right?”

“I don’t know,” I muttered, my eyes rolling back at the intensity of the pain in my abdomen. “You’re a nice alpha and all, but I’ve seen the dark side of alphas. They’re all animals deep down.”

“Not all,” said Sergio. “I promise you that not all alphas are the same.”

“Are you sure?”


“How come you were at the breeding camp? Why couldn’t you get a normal job?” I asked. Suddenly, I screamed when my belly squeezed viciously. “I need a knot right now!”

“Hold on, baby, we’re almost home,” said Sergio, panic in his voice. Then to his men, “he needs to fucking hurry up and drive faster. She’s getting worse.”

“What if I don’t get knotted at all?” I said, wondering at the possibility of what would happen. I would take my chances.

“You might go into shock and possibly die if you go too long without a knot.”

God, this was horrible.

I couldn’t fucking believe I was in heat right now, and Brett had accomplished his life’s mission in ruining my fucking life. Now I would need a knot, and I had no idea if I would be pregnant after it happened.

It was all fucked up, and it felt like my life had turned into a joke.

More slick gushed from my pussy, and I wondered if Sergio could feel me on his lap. No matter how tight I squeezed my thighs together, the slick was oncoming and rapid. The fear of getting knotted again was more than my fear of the heat. Brett made knotting as painful as possible for me. He didn't wait for me to get ready, and would be knotted inside me by the time I opened my eyes in the darkness.

“We’re here,” said Sergio.

“Finally,” I said. Then, in a lower voice. “Can you knot me in private? Like just us? I don’t want everyone together in one room.”

He looked confused by my request, but he nodded right away.

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