Page 30 of Freed By The Pack

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But Olivia needed us. She desperately needed us at this moment to protect her.

Chapter 15


Tonightwasgoingtobe my first night here, and I was afraid to death.

Sitting on the dirty cushion with my knees pulled up, I stared at the closed door, losing all track of time. I had no idea if it was nine p.m. or midnight. Or if it was morning even. The omegas said they needed to sleep and rest up before the alphas came down here, so I sat here instead.

I didn’t want to be caught off-guard by sleeping. That was my worst fear, which was worse than my fear of the dark.

The door opened, and I looked up from the cushion where I was drawing lines in the fabric with my finger. Upon seeing Brett at the door with his crazy eyes, I gulped in fear when I saw that he was holding a chain and a hammer in his hand. He barged into the room and slammed the door shut.

He stared at me, sniffing the air in deeply. Smelling my scent of fear.

“I missed you Button,” he said. Then, noticing my look of fear at what he was holding in his hands, he laughed. “Don’t worry. This is to lock the door before anyone else gets in here and takes you from me. You’re all mine until you’re pregnant withmybaby.”

Then he turned around to hammer in the chain on the wall and the door, chatting away while he worked. I didn’t say a word as I listened to his madness. I was hoping his project of setting up the lock would take more time, but he finished it up way too quickly for my liking.

My heart started to beat faster again when he dropped his tools.

And his pants.

I couldn’t look at him, and I didn’t want to. I turned my face the other way when he climbed into the cushion with me, kissing my shoulder. While he kissed my breasts and licked my nipples, I started to hear the screams outside my door.

The screams of the other omegas and the charging of alpha footsteps down the basement stairs.

I froze in fear while Brett sucked and kissed my nipples. Hearing their screams reminded me of the horror that awaited me. Being a virgin made it ten times worse since I didn’t know what to expect.

“Lay down omega. On your back,” he commanded, and I stiffly laid on my back as he licked my center. Over and over, he licked until I started to tremble, responding to his touch. As I stared at the ceiling, I heard knocking at my door, and all feelings of arousal disappeared within me.

“Please stop,” I begged, trying to move away from his face.

“What did I tell you about telling me to stop? Didn’t I tell you I would knot you right away if that happened?”

I breathed faster in fear.

“No, I’m sorry,” I said, but he gave me a wide smile, licking his lips and gripping his penis.

“An alpha honors his promise, doesn’t he? Like Henry said.”

The voices outside my door sounded louder as a horde of alphas trying to break in. “You have to share, man!”

“Fuck you,” shouted Brett while pushing himself inside me. I screamed as I felt the sharp pain of losing my virginity. I shut my eyes tight, tears in my eyes, wishing this wasn’t real.

This was just a nightmare. A fucking nightmare, that’s all.

But I couldn’t block out the sounds of his grunts, the screams of the omegas, and the sound of the door breaking. With my eyes still closed, I felt the other alphas touching my body, heavy breaths on my neck. I tried not to breathe in their stench as they leered around me.

“Get off her!” shouted Ian’s voice, and my eyes snapped open.

“Too late, I’m knotted inside her,” grunted Brett, who was sweating and lying on top of me. I looked at Ian and Evan, who were flinging punches at the rest of the alphas in the room. I didn’t even know how many there were.

I tried to wiggle away from Brett, but his penis had enlarged within me, trapping me to him. Chills went down my body in a panic.

This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real.

It hurts.

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