Page 23 of Freed By The Pack

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Just then, I heard the room door open, and my heart pounded fast. Ian held me tighter, sensing my fear.

“Why hello again, Olivia,” said Henry in a smooth-as-honey voice that sent chills down my back. He pulled the sheets back and slid in behind me, pressing his naked body against mine.

“Hi,” I said meekly to show that I was awake in case he had other frightening ideas. Then he started to hump me from behind, and my eyes widened. Ian, sensing my shock, lifted his head.

“Henry, is that necessary?”

“Ian, I need you to do the same thing,” ordered Henry. Then, in a calmer tone, near my ear, “Why haven’t you gone into heat yet, little omega?”

“I don’t know,” I stuttered, trying to close my eyes, but I was shocked.

I could feel his slim body pressing up against mine as he humped me, his dick slapping against my ass but not going inside. Ian was gently rubbing his body against mine, pressing his cock against the outside of my pussy.

“This is how your handlers should be treating you,” whispered Henry. “Is this what they were doing to you or not?”

“Sort of.”

“Then you should have gone into heat by now,” said Henry while Ian stayed awfully quiet. I was scared to death of Henry discovering that I took heat suppressant pills, so I nodded in agreement. His body against mine was having an effect on me that I couldn’t control.

My pussy was throbbing between the two male bodies, and warmth was starting to grow between my legs. The flares of the heat would stop right at my abdomen, and I knew that was the heat suppressant pills helping me.

“Oh,” I said when I felt a little bit of a pang go through my belly.

“I help out when I feel that an omega is struggling,” said Henry. “I apologize that the alpha handlers aren’t equipped with emergency techniques like this. They are not patient.”

“It’s…it’s okay,” I said, trying to even my breathing. My heart rate was rapidly increasing against my will, and I couldn’t seem to control my body’s responses while Henry was trying to force my heat to emerge.

“Close your eyes,” said Henry while rubbing my belly and breathing against my neck. I obeyed and closed my eyes. “Did you ever dream of being a mother one day? To have a little one of your own that looks like an exact copy of you?”


“Answer me, omega, and be truthful.”

An image of a little boy with curly black hair floated in my mind, and tears sprung to my eyes. I wanted to hold him so badly, but I wanted to be secure with a pack of alphas that I loved first.

“I do, but I want to be loved first.”

“You are loved here, my dear,” said Henry in that creepy voice of his, but I deemed his words to be untrue. “Every alpha who cuddles you loves you. Do you ever imagine your belly growing and the baby kicking inside you?”

My heart rate increased even more as Henry rubbed my belly in circles while Ian’s thighs and chest rubbed over mine. My pulse was racing from arousal and also fear as I felt tendrils of heat spiking through my abdomen.

“Yes,” I said, hoping he would stop. I didn’t want to go into heat here. I had to fight it. “But wouldn’t I lose my baby after giving birth here? Don’t you just take them?”

Suddenly, Henry stopped his movements behind me and released his hold on my belly.

“Who told you this information?” he asks, not moving a muscle, but I could hear the stark anger in his voice and Ian’s sharp intake of breath.

I knew Ian was worried about me by the way he caressed my arms.

“My cousin Lacy said that could happen before…before she left,” I said, realizing I made a horrible mistake. I hoped he wouldn’t pin it down to Ian or Sergio saying anything to me.

“She has been lying to you,” said Henry, calming down and continuing to rub my belly and press his body against me. “She wasn’t meant to be in an omega paradise like this one that I had provided for all omegas. You will be able to have your babies and raise them with the choice of alphas that you love. I make the rules here, and you will have that, Olivia.”

My stomach twisted in disgust. It sounded so amazing, but every word he said was a complete lie. I didn’t look at Ian, but I could sniff his scent, getting stronger with disapproval. Ian knew that Henry was full of shit. I knew it too, so I couldn’t allow my body to be taken by heat.

Closing my eyes, I imagined babies being ripped away from their mothers, and suddenly, the tendrils of heat started to slowly dissipate.

Fuck, it was working.

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