Page 13 of Freed By The Pack

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“Yes,” said Evan. “But only if there are alpha handlers present. Would you like to join us?”

“How could I turn that down?” I said, my voice lighting up with hope. “Hell yeah, I want to get out of here.”

The two alphas chuckled, and Ian kissed me on the cheek. I smiled, my face growing warm at the contact. I couldn’t wait to go outside and feel the sand on my toes. I ate the rest of my breakfast pretty quickly after that, which was not lost on the alphas.


“Hello Henry,” I greeted as he walked into my room. He sat on the armchair in front of the flat-screen television, crossing his legs and intertwining his fingers in a businesslike manner.

“Brett has brought up a concern to me,” he said. Furrowing my eyebrows, I wondered what the hell Brett needed. “He said you haven’t had a chance to bring an omega here, and you could be feeling…a little left out.”

“No, I’m fine,” I said quickly to dispel any ideas he was coming up in that conniving mind of his.

Henry was the type of alpha who seemed harmless to omegas with the charming personality he displayed in front of them. But behind closed doors, he displayed a cold, calculated manner in how hereallysees omegas in front of a few choice alphas he deemed his personal favorites.

I wasn’t his favorite, and he always questioned why I didn’t take more of a part handling omegas or volunteering in the second building where omegas gave birth.

“There is an omega not far from here,” he continued to say as if I hadn’t interrupted him. “She lives on a farm with her parents, and she’s nineteen. Rebecca has long brown hair, tender and a perfect omega to birth our babies.”

I had to be careful about how I chose my next words. I would be killed instantly if Henry suspected I wasn’t loyal to him.

“I wouldn’t feel bad if another alpha took on this project,” I said. “I was really looking forward to visiting my family.”

“We all know you don’t have family,” he countered, eyes flashing.

“My adoptive parentsaremy family,” I said, even though I had moved out when I was thirteen after finding out they weren’t biologically related to me. However, there was no way Henry could know this information.

“If you’re not ready to take on this project and bring us the omega, I will ask you to resign effective immediately,” said Henry. “Your choice.”

I had seen what happened to the alphas that he fired. To prevent his secret from getting out, the alpha would be found dead the next morning after being tortured. A chill went down my spine at the thought. I also didn’t want to risk leaving Olivia here all by herself.

“I can get the omega,” I said finally. “Not a problem at all. I just didn’t want to miss my vacation time.”

“Perfect,” he purred with a wide grin. “I will give you an extra week for vacation. Does that sound alright?”

I couldn’t leave Olivia for that long.

“I won’t be needing it,” I said. “I’m happy to take on this project, and I’m glad that you trust me in this.”

“Of course I trust you,” he said, leaning back in the chair. “You’ve shown how dedicated you are over all these years. It won’t be long before I name you as a chief officer.”

“I look forward to that,” I said, even though I didn’t mean that at all. Maybe I could somehow ditch the assignment he gave me and go into hiding.

“Claws will be joining you on your expedition,” said Henry, dispelling all my thoughts of ditching the mission.


“He’s waiting downstairs for you,” he said with a smirk as if he had read my mind. Then he got up from the chair and headed to the door. “Have a fantastic vacation, Sergio.”

I nodded curtly, and he finally left.

Looking back at my suitcase, I shook my head in shock at what had happened. I decided to stuff my belongings in a backpack I could easily carry. I couldn’t believe he gave me this project. Most alphas would be honored to take it on, but after I saw the true nature of the OBC, I didn’t want any part of it. My mission was to take it down, not feed them more omegas to breed.

After I finished packing, I left my room and headed downstairs to greet Claws. He was a big burly man with a huge beard and a face covered in scars and piercings. He was usually the one designated to kidnap and bring omegas to the OBC. He was fully trained in the art of a smooth kidnapping.

I reluctantly shook his hand.

“Newbie alpha aren’t ya’?” he said, crushing my hand.

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