Page 35 of The Eternal Equinox

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I laugh. "I know, Mace."

"You could have been gone a century, and I would still have been here waiting for you."

I take his hand in mine, squeezing tightly. "I know, Mace. I know."

Chapter 15


Iwas able to take a proper bath for the first time in weeks, and I did not want to climb out of that tub. But my stomach rumbled, and my friends were waiting for me, so I heaved myself out.

I'm sharing a room at the inn in Feria with Mace, and when I leave the bathing chamber, I find him sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I brought your stuff," he says, handing me my bag. I find a clean set of clothing and a chest wrap and happily dress in them. The blood-stained jumpsuit was not practical for what we will have to do.

Mace updated me on what to expect on Riosia Island, where the old fae hid the artifact and journal.

"Tell me more about Riosia Island," I say, wrapping my chest and pulling on my underwear.

He doesn't avert his eyes. "It's small, a place where the Spring Seasonale sends the beasts that are deemed too dangerous for the mainland. They'll sometimes pull from it for the Race."

"So, an isle of monsters, then?"

"It's unknown exactly how many beasts or what type are there. It's not going to be an easy journey." He drinks in my body, seemingly unbothered by the loss of muscle tone and weight I've undergone.

"How are we getting there?" I ask as I sit down next to him on the bed.

"Jaz is here." Mace's voice is weary. He seems to have dropped some as well, and there are deep circles under his eyes from lack of sleep.

"What are they doing here?"

"Plume sent messages throughout the Lowlands calling for support for you. Looks like Jaz heard one and immediately set off for here, hoping to find us." He smiles. "They're growing on me."

"They do that," I say with a laugh. "I hope we can convince them to take us to Riosia."

"We'll ask tomorrow. Let's go get some food."

We knock on our companion's doors and then head down the stairs, sitting at stools at the bartop. A large man with a handsome smile comes over to serve us. "Ya came back!" he says, smiling at Tulip. He gives Zeph a curious look, and then he notices me, his eyes lingering on the lines of decay that crawl up my hands. "And you brought friends." He steps before me, turning his head to the side as he peruses me. "I got a guess as to who you are."

He pours all of us glasses of a liqueur, and I throw it back, enjoying its spicy and nutty taste. "Yea? Do you want to make the guess or want me to show you?"

His face lights up, and I can't help but return the smile. "I'm Quade. Show me, please."

I wink at him, and the bartop grows frosty, the entire length of it encased in ice. Other patrons at the end of it yelp, startled. Quade's eyes nearly bug out of his head. I shrug and send a small flame running down the length, melting all the ice. I turn to Plume. "Can you do some Air, Plume? I haven't got that one yet." She laughs and blows a mist of Air magic over the bar, drying it.

Quade and the handful of patrons who saw my display are slaw-jawed, staring at me. I hold out my hand. "Viola Mistflow. You may have heard me called the Shadowweaver."

He rubs his head in disbelief, then grabs my hand. "They said you had a lot of magic. I didn't know fae could do more than one season."

"Well, first, I'm not fae. And currently, I'm at three."

"I'm sorry, what?" he says, crossing his arms. "That's why you lot want the Spring artifact? She'll have all four seasons?"

"Hard to explain it when she's not here," Mace says from my left, shrugging. "Now, do you understand why she deserves support?"

"If I'm honest, I'm a little overwhelmed here. I'm not sure what to think." He drains his glass and pours another. "You a God? A God is sitting at my fucking bar like it's nothing? Just casually hanging out and drinking my zzar?"

"I'd like some more of it, whatever it is. Oh, and some food? What is the kitchen serving tonight?"

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