Page 28 of The Eternal Equinox

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"Old lady is a strange phrase."

He shrugs, picking up his own cup of coffee and taking a long sip. "She's a God, isn't she ancient?"

"She's twenty-eight."

Quade pulls his mug from his face and narrows his eyes at me. "We're putting the fate of Krillium in the hands of a twenty-eight-year-old girl?"

"She's a woman." Tulip's voice carries from the top of the stairs. Quade whips his head to her, and he raises his eyebrows. "And she's our best shot at stopping a God who seems bound and determined to fuck this place up, so maybe show some respect."

Plume and Morrow follow behind Tulip, and eventually, the four of us are huddled together with ourcoffee, making a plan for the day. Quade, still standing behind the bar, gives us directions to where we can find Xande.

"I gotta warn ya, though, he doesn't tend to like outsiders."

"They never do," Morrow says with a wry smile. "But we have to try."

We find Xande in a city hall of sorts. It turns out he has a proper office with piles of paperwork that make me realize I do not miss being the head of the Patricians. I can't think of much I miss about Ytopie.

I do miss my brother still though, in spite of everything.

Xande agrees to meet us and ushers us into his office. It's a bit of a squeeze, but we manage to get in enough to close the door behind it. Morrow leans against it, arms crossed in a guard's pose.

The city leader is older, with black hair speckled with gray throughout. His eyes are a watery blue, deep like sapphires, and his skin has a tawny tone similar to Viola's. He's got tattoos up his arms in intricate geometric patterns, and they reach up the collar of his shirt to his throat and wrap around his hairline. He wears a plain but well-constructed white tunic and knee-length black pants with simple sandals.

I have to admit, Xande was not what I expected when I planned to meet with the leader of a city as robust and thriving as Feria.

He sits down in his chair, crossing his arms across his chest. He's built like me, without bulk but not without strength. "This is an interesting development," he says, taking his time to look at each of us. "Three fae and a human. Mace Nightroot," he says, inclining his head to me, "I assume you're here because you've found out we've been hiding citizens."

I blink. It takes me a moment to realize he means hidden from the Race. "No, I couldn't care less about that. The Race is over."

Xande reclines in his chair, propping a foot up on the desktop. "You don't say? You don't care that we've hidden our population for as long as the Race has been around?"

"I'm curious to know how," I say with a shrug, "but honestly, that matters little anymore. I'm here for more pressing matters."

"Well, isn't this a surprise? Then I'll help you out. Get the fuck out of my city." His pose and tone are casual, but there is an undercurrent of venom in them. I match his pose, pulling Influence to the surface of my body and coating my words in it.

"I don't think we will. Krillium needs your help."

I see my magic begin its work. His body relaxes slightly, and he inclines his head to the side, urging me to continue. He must've wanted to hear us out on some level and was posturing his strength. "Go on then," Xande says, waving his hand.

I quickly recap our story, from summoning Himureal to our journey through the Lowlands. I emphasize the beast attacks, how the ecosystem of Krillium is starting to fail, and how Himureal wants to see the world just ruled by Winter. Xande seems receptive to my words, nodding as I recount ouradventures.

"Where is this Shadowweaver then?" he asks, looking between all of us. "No offense, but it's clear neither of these ladies here are Gods."

"Some taken," Tulip says with a sneer. Morrow places a hand on her shoulder.

Plume speaks up this time. "The Shadowweaver has asked us to complete this portion of the journey as she travels to Ytopie in search of the final journal. She is the only one of us who has the potential to get in and out undetected by the Frostweaver."

It never crossed my mind that Viola could come back with the journal. If she did, that would be a silver lining to this whole situation.

"And she sent you lot here to take an artifact from my people?"

"That artifact is the final piece to stopping Himureal and restoring the balance of Gods. We're trying to protect all of Krillium here. Don't think being through a rainforest will protect you from the God of Winter," Morrow says with a glare.

"How can we know she's any better if we can't speak to her?" Xande says skeptically. "This could all be bullshit."

"Is there anyone here in town who recently docked from one of the other cities?" Plume asks thoughtfully. "We've been to all the other cities. They may be able to vouch for us."

Xande taps his chin and nods. "Let's go see, shall we?"

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