Page 26 of The Eternal Equinox

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Truth two: Kon is a fucking monster who needs to be put down today.

I wipe the blade on the leather wrap and look at Kon, smiling sweetly. From the corner of my eye I see the tiniest nod from Himureal, but I don't need his encouragement.

Rather than make a dramatic production of it, I walk to Kon's side and pull the blade across his throat without a preamble.

His life force falls heavy at my feet, and I don't try to avoid the splash when his body falls into it, gurgling. It splatters on the yellow jumpsuit in a grotesque painting of all of his wrongs. Half the gathered audience is on their feet, hands on their chest like what they've seen is so scandalous.

The fae value brutality but don't want to beso close to it.

I turn to address the people who came to a wedding, knowing I was not a willing bride, holding the still dripping blade by my side. "I may seem cruel but that was a just punishment. He stood in judgment and was found lacking. When it is your turn to stand before me, what will I find?"

Himureal comes up behind me and puts his hand on my lower back, ushering me out of the room as silent faces gape at us.

"Daughter," he says reverently, "you are breathtaking. I could not have done that better myself."

"Thank you, Father," I reply sweetly, hoping this was enough for him not to bring me back to the prison. "Could we go grab some food? I'm starving."

"I'll have some brought to your cell shortly."

I stop short and cross my arms over my chest. "No. I'm not going back, Himureal. I'm here. I told you I'm here, and I believe we can do this. Now that it's not just Winter magic, we are all this world needs. But that slag is making me sick. We do not know the effect long term exposure is going to have on my magic. I'm not good to you if my magic dies."

When I mention getting sick, a small flash of fear crosses his face. He nods. "I… okay. I agree. However, you will need an escort. I will have you wait in Zeph's office, and when I see him, I will send him to you. He'll be your escort from now… now on."

"That is very fair, Father." I'm laying it on thick, but he preens under it.

"I am just so happy that youare here you are here." His words repeat, which I've noticed happens when his emotions are higher. "I have been waiting so long for you." Without warning, he pulls me into a hug. He is thinner than I expected, but this is the first true contact I've gotten in two weeks, and I find myself sagging into it.

I get glimpses of the kind of God he must have been before. But that God was ruined, and what's left is a dangerous mess of power and fury. In the beginning, Himureal's intentions may have been pure, but his brain is too fractured now to hope that he can return to that version of himself.

He walks me to Zeph's office and closes the door, instructing me to stay there until Zeph comes for me. That can be done easily.

Zeph has a decanter of liquor, but it's slightly dusty like he hasn't drank in a while, and I pour myself a glass. I sip on it, enjoying the taste and the freedom I've been afforded.

I doze off at the desk, my feet propped up on it and leaning back, so when the door slams open I startle and fall to the ground. "Fucker!" I shout, jumping to my feet, blade brandished in front of me.

Zeph and Cirrha are there, gaping at me. "Get in, shut the door!" I say quickly.

"How are you here?" Zeph says, voice stuttering and eyes wide as he takes in my blood-covered clothing. I give them the short version of what happened with Kon.

Cirrha tells me about their journey to the village and the message they received. When she says Mace needs me, I'malready leaking shadows.

"Shit, hold on. Zeph, did you find the journal?" I ask, looking at my high priest.

He moves to the desk and pulls it out of a false bottom, handing it to me. I slip it into a pocket on the side of the jumpsuit. "Do you have your talisman?" he asks me. I pat my other pocket.

"Right here. Did you find any of my weapons? Himureal gave me this," I hold up the gorgeous blade, "but we don't know what we're walking into."

Zeph shakes his head slowly. "No, I couldn't find yours. I did get myself a blade, though."

"And you're sure you want to come?"

He balks at me. "I'm your fucking high priest, Viola."

I groan. "And as we've discussed, you can still do good things here."

"He'll kill me. When he sees you're gone, if I'm still here, he'll know I helped you, and he'll fucking kill me."

My mouth opens and closes silently. "Fair enough then. Cirrha, are you coming with us?"

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