Page 24 of The Eternal Equinox

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I do, pulling the hem over my head and standing in front of her, panting, both of our lips swollen. She peruses my body slowly, and I grab her waist and pull her back to me, devouring her face again. My hands slip under the straps of her jumpsuit, moving to pull it off her body when a voice stops me in my tracks.

"We're in Feria. White stone building, red door. Bring her quick. Mace needs her."

Plume's frantic speech hits us both in the gut, and I yank my shirt back over my head as we both take off at a run back to Ytopie.

Chapter 11


Ihave a suspicious feeling that, when faced with imprisonment and isolation, most people would reflect upon the actions that got them to that point.

Not me.

I have spent fifteen days here, under the Palace, biding my time, waiting for my magic to break through the slag that is starting to feel like a part of my own skin.

I have been away from my team, my friends, my partners, and the man I love for fifteen days.

They're going to be so pissed at me.

But one worry at a time, Viola. Right now, my concern is how I will get out of here for good. I know Zeph and Cirrha have been working on a plan, and I think it's got a reasonable likelihood of success, but it hinges on me being able to escape my prison cell.

And so far, I am no closer to doing that than when I woke up here fifteen days ago.

I finish the entirely insufficient bath that I am provided with a rag and a bowl of water, and I change into a set of clean clothes Zeph brought me as he washed my others. Unfortunately, hebrought me some sort of flowing jumpsuit in a shade of yellow that is sure to look awful with my white hair. Oh, and my decayed hands—I can't forget those.

Regardless, I slip into it, surprised at the comfort. The thin straps don't do much to hold up the bodice, and my sunfire branding is front and center. I quickly braid my hair in two plaits down the back of my head and look down at my body. I've grown thinner, my muscles unused while I've been here. The effect makes me look more demure than I have in a long time.

I'm tugging on my boots when I hear a noise outside my cell. I whip my head up and am surprised to see Himureal and Kon standing shoulder to shoulder and staring at me. "Well, isn't this a surprise," I say, dropping both feet to the ground and leaning my elbows onto my knees. I decide to forego the chest wrap in this outfit and Kon seems to be taking notice.

"Daughter, I hear you've met Kon?" Himureal says, gesturing to the man beside him. Himureal is blood and shadows today, in a crimson top and black pants that I am surprisingly envious of. Kon, on the other hand, is in a pair of rigid trousers and a stiff shirt with buttons leading to the neck.

Oh. Formal wear.

Kon is in formal wear.

"I have, father. What a delightful mate you've chosen for me," I coo, drizzling my words with a syrup Kon doesn't realize has been poisoned.

"Well, have I ever steered you wrong, my Shadowweaver?" His eyes glint with the secret he's hiding. Poor Kon, he doesn't know just how over played he has been.

Heforgot he was dealing with two Gods.

"Never, Frostweaver." I rise, and Kon's gaze drags down my body lasciviously.

"I see that high priest of yours listened when I asked for him to get her some feminine clothing," he says to Himureal. "I did request a dress, but this is acceptable."

"It's all the rage now, I've heard, to do jumpsuits for weddings," Himureal adds. "And who better to set off a massive trend than the Shadowweaver?"

Wedding? Is that the line he's fed Kon?

Or has Himureal double-crossed me?

It didn't occur to me until now that he could be walking me into an actual wedding, not a farse, so I could put down the man who supposedly slaughtered my parents.

Still, I'm getting out of this prison. If I have magic, regardless of what is happening, I stand a chance at getting out of here. The men open the door to my cell and don't even wait for me to exit before heading out of the prison. The moment I'm out of the enforced box I have called home, I feel my magic sputter to life—not fully, but enough.

I call upon Shadow, and he arrives swiftly, materializing in a shadowed corner of the room and creeping up my body. "Go find Mace, Shadow. Find him so he knows I didn't leave him." The snake flits its tongue out to my nose and then is down my arm, back in the shadows, and hopefully on his way to the man I love and left behind.

Every stepthat leads me closer above ground feels like a weight falling from me. My magic flickers and then roars to life as soon as I take that final step. It almost takes me to my knees, the full rush of power that comes through me. The decayed veins on my hands pulse like blood is pumping through them. My sunfire burns briefly, but not enough to cause pain. It's just enough to remind me it's there.

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