Page 113 of The Eternal Equinox

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Maybe I should feel guilt at mutilating her.

But I do not.

I feel numb.

I walk around to Amaryn's side, working hard not to make eye contact with the people of Rainworth. I do not need to see their judgment, their fear of me. They made their decision to stay, and this is their first taste of what I will do for those I love. This version of me has been simmering under the surface for a long time.

Amaryn has become the scapegoat for the lives lost of those Ilove. And I will avenge all of them here today.

"And an eternity where you hear no joy." I grab one of the Bloomtide's ears by the point and pull, sliding my blade along the side of her head and slicing it cleanly away. She screeches, thrashing against the roots on her feet and the shadows on her body, but I ignore her and remove the other ear. Her body sags, the blood loss and shock taking its toll on her now mortal figure. Uncomfortable sounds and movement catch my attention in the periphery, but I pay it no mind.

This is what they signed up for.

I am not just.

I am just cruel.

Within me, I feel my magic come alive, and I pull Decay from Autumn and Flora from Spring and blend the two, releasing them onto the broken and bloodied figure in front of me, wrapping her in the fine mist of the combined magic. "This magic will preserve her body for eternity, trapping her in her own mind—a prison of her own making," I say loudly. As the mist sinks into her body, my gut tells me this will work to preserve her.

Willing the roots that contain Amaryn's feet to grow, I stretch them widely beneath her into the dirt and then urge their growth upward, wrapping her pathetic figure in a beautiful, broad tree. The bark is a rich amber color, so close to the color of Zeph's hair that it clenches my heart. While it was not done on purpose, it seems my magic wished to honor its high priest.

As the tree grows, its branches spreading widely, the crowdgasps, and I take a step back to examine my creation as a whole.

A cluster of branches are bare and spindly, like decrepit fingers reaching out.

Another section has small green leaves and groupings of small flowers adorning its spreading branches.

One grouping of branches has rich green leaves, their shade so close to the Nightroot eyes that it catches my breath.

The final quarter is adorned with orange, red, and brown leaves in various states of death and decay, hanging precariously as if they are a moment away from their journey toward the ground.

A tree of all seasons, wrapped around the God who drove me towards the path of being a God of the same.

When I finally allow myself to look at my citizens, their faces range from awe to disgust, with more than a few looking like they lost a battle with their stomachs during Amaryn's punishment. "May this tree live forever as a reminder of what happens to those who wish to bring harm to Krillium!"

"Fuck yeah!" Morrow shouts from somewhere behind me, and my face cracks into a wide smile.

"Gorier than I would've done, but you have always been a touch dramatic," Jaz drawls from my left, and I turn my head to shoot them a look.

With friends starting to chatter, the other people gathered seem to release a collective breath and begin talking amongst themselves. Several come up to me and bow their heads or shake my hands. Some of the more green people slip out back totheir homes, but that doesn't bother me one bit. They can leave Rainworth altogether if they want to. That offer still stands. If they saw what I can and will do when wronged and no longer wish to associate with me I will not hold that against them.

Mace and Tulip approach me from each side, the latter gingerly pulling my blade from my hand before she grasps it. "Well, that was quite a show, Lola."

"You know me. I live to entertain," I reply, my body heavy with exhaustion. "I couldn't just kill her," I say, looking at Mace. "Not after everything."

Mace nods, ducking his head to press his forehead against my own. "I will never judge you for how you handle our enemies. Maybe at one point, I would have, but no longer." He presses his lips on mine, and I sigh against them. The affection in that small brush against my mouth is enough to bolster my mood significantly.

"What now?" Tulip asks quietly.

"Gather our group; we have to discuss the next steps."

Minutes later, I'm back in the community hall, sitting on the edge of the stage as I look at my inner circle. Cirrha and Taegan did not feel like they should be here, but Tulip is great at strong-arming, so they sit, looking uncomfortable amongst the others I keep close to me.

"Are we going to talk about the seps in the room?" Tulip asks, glaring at Shadow.

"I swear, I didn't know," I implore, gathering her hands in mine. "It must be hard to see him after what happened to Twig."

The snake in question perks his head up and tilts it to the side. Tulip narrows her eyes at him but sighs. "He's not the one who hurt my brother, and he's done nothing but protect you. And us, now, too. It's weird, but he's still the same creepy ass snake."

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