Page 5 of Vengeful Proposal

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“I believe there’s been a mix-up.” His voice is just as crisp and deep as I remember. But my attention is drawn towards the pink Hello Kitty bag on the handle. It’s the same as the one I have on what is clearly notmybag.

“Is that mine?” I ask. “Wait. How … No,whydo you have a pink Hello Kitty tag? More importantly, how the hell did you find me here?”

His grin grows wider, and my heart swells right along with it.

“I did what anyone does after arriving: open my bag to change out of my clothes … only to find things that were decidedly not mine.”

Yep, that checks out.

“From the dresses to the heels to thescandalouslytiny swim suit in there, and based on a conversation I had with a woman who insisted on not taking a free offer, I assumed that the owner of this bag must’ve been on her way to a bachelorette party.”

I fight to keep the blush from searing further up my face.

Guilty as charged.

“Since this is one of themostpopular hotels for bachelorette parties, and I happen to know the owner … I figured it didn’t hurt to ask if a beautiful woman with chestnut hair and blue eyes recently checked in.” Chuckling, he sets my bag on the floor. “How’d I do?”

“Pretty damn good.” I pause, and add hopefully as my heart skips a beat. “Are you staying here then? Since you happen to know the owner and all?”

He laughs again, and this time, IknowI can’t hide myself blushing anymore because my whole face—no fuck that, my whole body—feels like it’s on fire. He looks me over, those beautiful ice-blue eyes lingering a moment before they meet mine. The slight, knowing smile—like he’s holding a secret he can’t wait to tell me—grows on his beautiful lips, and sends another surge of heat shooting through my core.

“Not here. But close by. You should visit Salerno if you have the time. The views of the sea are stunning.”

The views here are pretty great too.I ogle his long legs as he walks into the room toward his bag. He bends over to close it, and I can’t help but sneak a look at the firm ass that’s barely contained in his gray slacks. Trailing in his wake, like a whisper beckoning me to lean in for more, is a hint of light soap and aftershave.

“Thanks for finding me.” I feel another drop of sweat rolling down my side as he stands up. Suddenly, I’m aware of just how close we are to each other, and just how closely I’m studying every detail on his handsome face. “You really saved my ass there.”

He leans down, and my mind is suddenly filled with the image of his full lips crushing against mine. His powerful hands pulling me close into his muscular body. The warm sea breeze caressing our bodies as he trails kisses down my body and …

Ireallyneed to turn on the A/C.

“Maybe I’ll see you around.” He flashes me another smile and walks past me.

I almost shoutDon’t go!But instead, my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth until I finally I blurt out, “Yuppers!”

Fuck. Yuppers? Who the hell says yuppers?

With a final quick glance from his seductively curious eyes, he vanishes down the stairs, the bag rolling gently by his ankles. The light scent of soap and aftershave trails in his wake, tempting me to follow.

I almost do.

Shutting the door reluctantly, I jump straight up when the knock comes.He’s back?I yank the door wide open, excited by the prospect of Mr. Sex-on-Legs returning so fast.

Instead, I see Nadia standing in the hallway, her orange plastic roller case at her side, and her attention straight down the hall where the hot, sexy stranger was just a moment ago.

She whips her head toward me so quickly it sends her blonde hair flipping and her gold sunglasses sliding off her forehead to the floor.

“Emily.” Her lips open into a big, knowing smile. “Who. Was.That?”

“Nobody,” I assure her.

Oh God, why am I blushing? It’s not like anything happened.

“Oh my God, you’re such a terrible liar!” Sliding her bag inside, Nadia bumps the door shut with her hip. “First of all, you go, girl. And second of all, if I weren’t getting married, I’d be fighting you for a chance to see what he’s packing!”

“Careful now, you don’t want me to tell Lawrence.”

“Oh please, as good-looking as Mr. Tall and Sexy might be, Istill lucked out with Lawrence. I mean, it’s not every day you have a guy who’s got a footlong?—”

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